Ruhmschwert: The Monster Slaying Sword

The Ruhmschwert is a legendary bastard sword forged by the renowned blacksmith and monster hunter, Eldric Ruhmschwert, the patriarch of the Von Ruhmschwert Clan. This blade is not only a masterpiece of craftsmanship but also a symbol of the family's enduring legacy in the fight against the monstrous threats that plague the world of Largitas.   The Ruhmschwert is more than just a weapon; it is a testament to the skill, dedication, and heroism of the Ruhmschwert clan. In the hands of Stärke von Ruhmschwert, it continues to be a formidable force against the Bloom and other monstrous threats, carrying forward the legacy of its legendary creator, Eldric Ruhmschwert.

Mechanics & Inner Workings


Monster Slayer:
The Ruhmschwert is especially effective against monstrous creatures, dealing additional damage and bypassing many of their resistances. The runes on the blade amplify its power when facing such foes, making it a bane to the Bloom Beasts and other abominations.   Warding Aura:
The sword generates a protective aura when wielded, offering resistance to fear and mind-altering effects. This ability has been crucial for the Ruhmschwert clan, allowing them to face terrifying monsters without succumbing to panic or despair.   Bloom's Bane:
The Ruhmschwert has a unique property that allows it to sever the connection between Bloom-infected creatures and the Bloom itself. This makes the sword exceptionally effective against Bloom Beasts, causing them to weaken and wither upon being struck.



Eldric Ruhmschwert forged the sword over a span of several months, using techniques passed down through generations and materials he gathered during his many hunts. The process was rigorous, involving countless hours of forging, enchanting, and rune etching.


The Ruhmschwert has been passed down through the generations, each wielder adding to its legend. It has been used to slay dragons, fend off hordes of undead, and carve through the ranks of Bloom Beasts. The sword is a symbol of the Ruhmschwert clan's commitment to protecting humanity from the world's monstrous threats.  

Recent Events:

Stärke von Ruhmschwert, the last surviving member of the clan, now wields the Ruhmschwert. The blade has become a beacon of hope for those who still resist the Bloom, and Stärke's quests often revolve around avenging his fallen family and reclaiming lands lost to the Bloom.  

Lore and Myths

The Shattered Star:

According to legend, the fragment of the star within the pommel grants the Ruhmschwert its mystical properties. Some believe that the star was a gift from the gods, meant to aid humanity in its darkest hour.  

The Blade's Whisper:

It is said that the sword whispers to its wielder, offering guidance and warnings in times of peril. Whether this is the voice of Eldric himself or some other entity is a matter of debate among scholars and historians.  

The Unbreakable Bond:

The Ruhmschwert is reputed to be unbreakable as long as the wielder remains true to the clan's ideals of courage, honor, and relentless pursuit of justice. Those who wield it with impure intentions find the blade heavy and unwieldy.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
Owning Organization
Raw materials & Components
Blade: The blade of the Ruhmschwert is a work of art, forged from a rare, silver-infused steel that gives it a distinctive shimmering appearance. The blade is etched with intricate runes that glow faintly when in the presence of magical or monstrous creatures. These runes are not just decorative but serve a practical purpose, enhancing the blade's effectiveness against supernatural foes.
Crossguard: The crossguard is designed to resemble the wings of a dragon, a nod to the many dragonkin the Ruhmschwert clan has faced. Made from a dark silver-colored metal, it provides excellent balance and protection for the wielder.
Grip: The grip is wrapped in high-quality leather, dyed a deep black to symbolise the family's deidication to their duty. It is comfortable yet firm, allowing for both one-handed and two-handed use.
Pommel: The pommel is shaped like a roaring lion's head, representing courage and strength. It is said that the pommel contains a fragment of a fallen star, adding to the sword's legendary status and mystical properties.

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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