Sable Rot

In Largitas, one of the most feared degenerative diseases is known as "Sable Rot." This affliction, particularly prevalent in regions near the Bloom, gradually deteriorates both the body and the mind of those it infects. The disease is named for the dark, almost black patches that appear on the skin of the afflicted, resembling the spread of rot.


The exact cause of Sable Rot remains unknown, but it is widely believed to be linked to exposure to the Bloom's corruptive energies. While direct contact with Bloom-infested areas or creatures increases the risk of infection, cases have also been reported in individuals with no known exposure, suggesting that the disease might also spread through environmental factors or through close contact with infected persons.


Symptoms and Progression

Sable Rot begins subtly, often with mild symptoms that can be mistaken for fatigue or a common illness. However, as the disease progresses, its effects become increasingly severe and unmistakable:
  1. Early Stage:
    • Fatigue and Weakness: The first signs are often subtle—an unusual level of tiredness, weakness, and general malaise.
    • Minor Skin Discoloration: Small, dark patches begin to appear on the skin, usually on the extremities.
  2. Intermediate Stage:
    • Increased Pain and Numbness: Affected areas become painful, with some patients experiencing numbness or tingling.
    • Cognitive Decline: Victims start to suffer from memory lapses, difficulty concentrating, and mood swings. These cognitive issues are thought to be caused by the disease's impact on the nervous system.
    • Progression of Skin Discoloration: The dark patches grow larger and more numerous, spreading across the body.
  3. Advanced Stage:
    • Severe Physical Deterioration: Muscle atrophy sets in, accompanied by intense joint pain and loss of mobility.
    • Major Cognitive Impairment: Patients experience severe memory loss, confusion, and hallucinations. In the final stages, many lose the ability to recognize loved ones or communicate effectively.
    • Organ Failure: The disease eventually attacks the internal organs, leading to systemic failure and death.


There is currently no cure for Sable Rot, and treatment options are limited to managing symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease. This often involves a combination of pain management, physical therapy, and mental health support.   The Medical Division of BRASC and various independent researchers are actively investigating potential cures and preventive measures. Research is focused on understanding the mechanisms by which the Bloom's energies affect the human body and mind, with the hope of developing treatments that can neutralize or reverse these effects.

Cultural Reception

Social and Cultural Impact

The fear of Sable Rot has had a profound impact on the societies of Largitas. People living near the Bloom or in areas known to harbor the disease often face social stigma and isolation, as others fear contagion. This has led to the establishment of quarantined communities and specialized care facilities where those afflicted can receive support.   Culturally, Sable Rot is often viewed as a symbol of the insidious and corrupting nature of the Bloom. It serves as a grim reminder of the need for vigilance and the importance of maintaining the integrity of settlements and outposts in the fight against the Bloom's spread.
Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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