Survival Cloak

The Survival Cloak is a versatile piece of equipment designed to provide protection and utility in various environments. It is a favorite among adventurers, scouts, and anyone who spends significant time in the wilderness or hazardous areas, such as those affected by the Bloom. The Survival Cloak is typically made from durable, weather-resistant materials like treated leather or high-quality wool blends. It often features a hood for added protection against the elements and is available in various earth tones to help with camouflage. The cloak is lined with insulating materials to keep the wearer warm in cold conditions, and it includes multiple pockets and hidden compartments for storing essential items.

Mechanics & Inner Workings


Many Survival Cloaks are enchanted with protective spells to enhance their functionality. Common enchantments include resistance to water and fire, increased durability, and minor healing properties. Some advanced cloaks may also feature enchantments that provide limited protection against Bloom spores and other environmental hazards.  


Weather Protection: The primary function of the Survival Cloak is to protect the wearer from harsh weather conditions, including rain, snow, wind, and cold temperatures. The cloak's design and materials ensure that the wearer stays dry and warm.
Camouflage: The cloak's natural colors and patterns help the wearer blend into their surroundings, making it an essential tool for scouts and hunters. Some enchanted cloaks can even change their coloration to match the environment.
Storage: With its numerous pockets and compartments, the Survival Cloak allows the wearer to carry essential supplies such as food, water, tools, and first aid items. This makes it an invaluable resource for long journeys or survival situations.
Emergency Shelter: The cloak can be used as an improvised shelter in emergencies. It can be spread out to provide a ground cover or strung up to create a makeshift tent, offering protection from the elements.
Protection Against Hazards: Enchanted cloaks provide additional protection against various hazards, including minor physical damage, fire, and magical attacks. Some cloaks are specifically designed to offer limited resistance to Bloom contamination, making them particularly valuable in Bloom-infested areas.  


Modularity: The cloak is designed to be highly modular, with detachable hoods, sleeves, and liners that can be adjusted based on the wearer's needs and the environmental conditions. This flexibility makes it suitable for use in a wide range of climates and situations.
Quick Access: The pockets and compartments are strategically placed for easy access, allowing the wearer to quickly retrieve tools and supplies without removing the cloak. Some pockets are designed to be hidden, providing secure storage for valuable or sensitive items.
Self-Cleaning: Enchanted Survival Cloaks often have self-cleaning properties, preventing the buildup of dirt and grime. This ensures the cloak remains effective and comfortable over long periods of use.  


Weight: The durability and modularity of the Survival Cloak can make it relatively heavy, which may be a drawback for some users, especially in warm climates where the insulating properties are less needed.
Maintenance: While self-cleaning enchantments reduce the need for regular maintenance, the cloak's enchantments can degrade over time, especially with heavy use. Periodic re-enchantment may be necessary to maintain its protective properties.
Cost: High-quality and enchanted Survival Cloaks can be expensive, making them less accessible to those with limited resources.  


There are numerous variants of the Survival Cloak tailored to specific needs and environments. For example, some cloaks are designed for extreme cold and feature additional insulation, while others are lightweight and optimized for hot, arid climates. Specialized cloaks for magical practitioners may include pockets and compartments designed to hold spell components and magical items. Additionally, cloaks intended for stealth missions may incorporate advanced camouflage enchantments and sound-dampening materials.


The Survival Cloak is more than just a practical item; it is a symbol of preparedness and resilience in Largitas. It is often passed down through generations, with each wearer adding their own modifications and enhancements. The cloak is also a common gift for young adventurers and scouts, representing a rite of passage into the world of exploration and survival.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Survival Cloaks can be purchased from specialized outfitters and enchanters. Crafting a high-quality cloak requires skilled artisans and enchanters, as well as access to premium materials. While basic versions are relatively affordable, enchanted cloaks with advanced features can be quite expensive.

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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