The Bloom

In the world of Largitas, amidst the chaos of the overgrown wilderness and the endless expanse of the ocean, there exists a phenomenon known as the Bloom. It is both a blessing and a curse, a mysterious infection that grants its victims incredible Druidic abilities while slowly consuming their minds.  

Origins of the Bloom:

The exact origins of the Bloom remain shrouded in mystery, though scholars speculate that it may be a result of the same cataclysmic event that transformed the landscape of Largitas. Some believe it to be a manifestation of nature's wrath, a response to the imbalance caused by the rampant plant growth that now dominates the continent.  

The Struggle Within:

For those infected by the Bloom, the struggle to maintain control of their minds is a constant battle. Many seek out ways to suppress the infection, using herbs, rituals, or magic to keep the Bloom at bay. Others embrace their newfound power, reveling in the freedom it offers from the constraints of civilization.   In a world where the boundaries between civilization and wilderness have blurred, the Bloom represents a unique and enigmatic force. It grants incredible power to those infected, but at a terrible cost. As the struggle for control of Largitas rages on, the fate of those touched by the Bloom hangs in the balance, a testament to the delicate balance between nature and civilization.

Transmission & Vectors

The method by which Bloom spreads is currently not known, though there are many theories and conjectures. The most popular and widely believed are airborne spores, direct physical contact with someone or something that has been exposed to or is infected with Bloom, and that it is a curse, though this theory has a variety of possible origins for the disease, with few people agreeing on the true source.


The actual cause of the Bloom is currently unknown to any living being, though it is theorized that those who are in the later stages of the disease have an instinctual knowledge of what brought the disease to the world.  
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The actual cause of the Bloom is the latent magical energy given off by the rotting corpse of Sylvana, the God of Wood , who was accidentally killed in an argument between the twin gods of Birth and Death.


Those infected by the Bloom begin to exhibit strange symptoms soon after exposure. Flowers, leaves, or fungal growths sprout from their skin, weaving intricate patterns across their bodies. Despite the grotesque appearance, the infected gain powerful Druidic abilities, allowing them to manipulate the elements and commune with the natural world.   However, the Bloom comes at a cost. As the infection progresses, it slowly takes control of the victim's mind, driving them to embrace the wild and untamed aspects of their newfound power. Those consumed by the Bloom become increasingly erratic and unpredictable, their actions driven by the primal instincts of the natural world.


There are no known long-term treatments for Bloom, as the infection itself seems to be able to quickly adapt to any attempts at curing it, no matter how extreme.  
"Fire, poison, even Necromantic magics do not seem capable of fully destroying the Bloom. It is a truly perplexing disease."
— Gerbert Fourflower, Head Medical Researcher at BRASC

Cultural Reception

In societies where the Bloom is known to exist, those infected are often shunned and feared. They are seen as both a danger and a curiosity, their abilities coveted by some and reviled by others. Some cultures have established sanctuaries where the infected can live in isolation, away from the prying eyes of society, while others see them as valuable assets to be exploited for their powers.
Dwarf with Bloom by Appy Pie Design
Illustration of a Dwarf in the Later stages of Bloom infection.
Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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Aug 8, 2024 18:02 by Joshua Stewart

Really love the concept of this one, a give-and-take disease where the victim gets power but at a cost. I would 100 per cent use this as a character concept for a TTRPG campaign. Also, funny coincidence, for this prompt I wrote about a fungal/spore-spread disease called the Bloom Plague. Though mine is a smidge more sinister in nature lol. Great job! Would love to read about more specific scenarios of how this Bloom has affected various communities and how they've dealt with it.

Aug 9, 2024 07:25

Thank you! Yeah, I think I saw the title for your article when I was looking through what other articles in this prompt. I haven't read it yet, but will definitely be doing so now.   As for how the Bloom has affected other communities, I've kept most of that in the articles about the communities where I can be more specific rather than overloading this article with a half-dozen extra paragraphs of generalization.   Thanks again :)

Aug 10, 2024 23:45 by Joshua Stewart

Nice, I will definitely have to take a look at some of those articles then!