The Bloom Conspiracy

Many believe that the Bloom was not a natural disaster or an accident, but rather a deliberate act orchestrated by the gods themselves. According to this theory, the Bloom was engineered to serve a hidden agenda, with the gods using it as a means to achieve their own ends.  

Key Points:

1. Divine Wrath and Control:

Proponents of this theory argue that the Bloom was a form of divine punishment or a test imposed by the gods. They suggest that the gods were dissatisfied with the state of the world or the behavior of its inhabitants and used the Bloom as a way to exert control, discipline, or even to reshape society according to their own vision.  

2. The Gods' Hidden Agendas:

According to the theory, each of the gods had a vested interest in the Bloom. For example, Ignara, the God of Fire, is said to have desired to bring about a new era of purification through fire, while Sylvana, the God of Wood, might have seen the Bloom as an opportunity to rebalance nature in her favor.  

3. Manipulation of the Mortals:

The theory suggests that the gods have been subtly manipulating the events and decisions of mortals to ensure the spread and impact of the Bloom. This includes orchestrating conflicts, creating false hope, and diverting attention away from the true cause of the disaster.  

4. The Hidden Solutions:

Conspiracists believe that the gods have already provided or are providing hidden solutions to the Bloom, but only to those who align with their divine plans or prove themselves worthy. This belief has led to the formation of secret societies and cults dedicated to uncovering these hidden solutions and aligning with the gods' true purposes.

Historical Basis

Supporting Claims:

Divine Omens: Some believe that omens and prophecies suggest the Bloom was foretold as part of a divine plan, with various signs pointing to its inevitability.   Sacred Texts: Certain ancient texts and religious writings are interpreted as containing hidden messages or cryptic references to the gods' involvement in the Bloom.   Unusual Patterns: Observers have noted strange patterns and anomalies in the Bloom's spread, which they believe are too precise and calculated to be random.

Cultural Reception


Skeptics argue that this theory is based on speculation and a lack of understanding of the true nature of the Bloom. They maintain that the Bloom is a natural phenomena and that the gods are not involved in any grand conspiracy.  


The belief in this conspiracy theory has led to widespread distrust of religious institutions and the divine, with some factions seeking to challenge or defy the gods' perceived intentions. It has also spurred numerous fringe groups and secret societies dedicated to uncovering what they believe to be the "truth" behind the Bloom.

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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