The Bloom Hunters Guild

The Bloom Hunters Guild is a specialized organization in Largitas dedicated to combating the threats posed by the Bloom and its corrupted creatures. Formed in response to the increasing dangers emanating from the Bloom Zones, the guild is a mix of skilled warriors, researchers, scouts, and tacticians, all united by a common goal: to protect the people of Largitas from the Bloom's encroachment and to understand and potentially harness its powers.   The Bloom Hunters Guild is a crucial frontline defense against the perils of the Bloom, blending courage, knowledge, and skill to protect Largitas and its people from an ever-present danger.


The guild is structured hierarchically, with a clear chain of command and specialized roles. Key positions include:   Guildmaster: The leader of the guild, responsible for overall strategy, diplomacy, and major decisions.   Hunters: The core members, highly trained in combat and survival skills. They are the ones who venture into the Bloom Zones to hunt creatures and gather information.   Researchers: Specialists who study the Bloom and its effects, often collaborating with BRASC's Research Division. They analyze samples brought back by the Hunters and work on developing anti-Bloom technologies and strategies.   Scouts: These members focus on reconnaissance and mapping, providing crucial data on Bloom Zone boundaries and the movements of Bloom creatures.   Support Staff: Including medics, logisticians, and trainers, who ensure the guild's operations run smoothly and that members are well-equipped and prepared.


Training and Recruitment

Joining the Bloom Hunters Guild is not easy; candidates must undergo rigorous training and testing. The training includes:   Combat training: Focusing on techniques effective against Bloom creatures, including the use of specialized weapons like Purifier Blades and Flame Rifles.   Survival skills: Essential for operating in the dangerous and often unpredictable Bloom Zones.   Knowledge of the Bloom: Understanding the properties of the Bloom, its creatures, and how to avoid or counteract its effects.   Mental resilience: Preparing recruits to handle the psychological stresses of facing the often horrific creatures and environments within the Bloom.

Public Agenda

The Bloom Hunters Guild was established as the Bloom spread, bringing with it dangerous flora and fauna that threatened settlements and travelers. The guild's primary purpose is to:
  • Hunt and neutralize dangerous Bloom-infected creatures.
  • Collect samples for research and study, aiming to understand the Bloom's properties and origins.
  • Scout and map Bloom Zones, providing vital information for BRASC and other organizations.
  • Protect settlements and trade routes from Bloom-related threats.


Notable Achievements

The guild has earned a reputation for bravery and effectiveness, with several notable achievements, including:   The Slaying of the Bloom Hydra: A massive, multi-headed creature that had terrorized the border of the Core Bloom Zone. The operation was a significant victory and provided valuable data for BRASC researchers.   The Recovery of the Lost Artifact: A mission that involved retrieving an ancient, Bloom-tainted artifact believed to be linked to the origin of the Bloom. The artifact is now under study by BRASC.   The Defense of Noroak: A large-scale operation where the guild successfully defended the port city of Noroak from a horde of Bloom-mutated beasts, preventing significant loss of life and damage.

Current Focus and Challenges

Today, the Bloom Hunters Guild continues to play a vital role in the ongoing efforts to manage the Bloom's impact. They face several challenges, including:   The evolving nature of the Bloom: As the Bloom continues to mutate and adapt, new threats emerge, requiring constant adaptation and vigilance from the guild.   Resource limitations: Maintaining equipment, training new recruits, and funding expeditions are ongoing challenges.   The mysterious Bloom Heart: The guild is heavily involved in efforts to locate and understand this rumored core of the Bloom, believed to hold the key to either stopping or harnessing the Bloom's power.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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