The Iron Leviathan

The Iron Leviathan stands as a bastion of strength and security amidst the tumultuous world of Largitas. Built upon the hulls of decommissioned warships and battleships, this formidable ship city is a testament to human resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Its towering spires of steel and iron pierce the sky, casting a watchful gaze over the endless expanse of the ocean.   In the world of Largitas, where danger lurks around every corner and survival is never guaranteed, the Iron Leviathan stands as a shining beacon of strength and resilience. Its towering spires and formidable defenses serve as a symbol of hope for all who call it home, a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity in the face of adversity.


In the bustling confines of the Iron Leviathan, a unique blend of cultures, traditions, and ancestries thrives amidst the clang of hammers and the roar of furnaces. The city's population, primarily comprised of orcs and dwarves, with a smattering of other ancestries, reflects a diverse tapestry of skills, backgrounds, and ambitions.   Orcs:
As the backbone of the city's military forces, orcs form the main body of military activities within the Iron Leviathan. Known for their strength, courage, and martial prowess, orcs serve as frontline soldiers, elite warriors, and formidable defenders of the city's borders. Their disciplined ranks and unwavering loyalty make them invaluable assets in times of war and conflict, ensuring the city's security and protecting its citizens from external threats.   Dwarves:
Dwarves, renowned for their craftsmanship, ingenuity, and mastery of the forge, play a crucial role in the economic prosperity of the Iron Leviathan. As skilled artisans, blacksmiths, and engineers, dwarves are responsible for crafting the city's weapons, armor, and warships, ensuring that the Iron Leviathan remains a formidable force on the open seas. Their meticulous attention to detail and tireless work ethic ensure that the city's defenses are always well-maintained and its war machines are always ready for battle.   Other Ancestries:
While orcs and dwarves form the majority of the Iron Leviathan's population, a diverse array of other ancestries also call the city home. Humans, elves, gnomes, and other races contribute their own unique skills, talents, and perspectives to the city's vibrant tapestry of life. Humans serve as traders, diplomats, and merchants, facilitating commerce and diplomacy with other ship cities and factions. Elves lend their arcane prowess and mystical insight to the city's arcane academies and magical research facilities. Gnomes and halflings provide invaluable support as artisans, scholars, and inventors, pushing the boundaries of innovation and discovery within the city's walls.


The governmental structure of the Iron Leviathan is designed to ensure efficiency, stability, and the protection of its inhabitants against the myriad threats that lurk in the tumultuous world of Largitas. As a fortress city built upon the hulls of decommissioned warships and battleships, the Iron Leviathan requires a strong and centralized government to maintain order and security.   1. High Admiral:
At the pinnacle of the Iron Leviathan's governmental hierarchy stands the High Admiral, the supreme commander of the city's military forces and the ultimate authority in matters of defense and security. The High Admiral is responsible for overseeing the city's defenses, coordinating military operations, and ensuring the safety of its inhabitants against external threats.   2. Council of Captains:
Beneath the High Admiral lies the Council of Captains, a governing body comprised of the commanders of the city's most influential warships and naval vessels. The Council of Captains serves as the High Admiral's advisory council, providing counsel and guidance on matters of military strategy, resource allocation, and diplomatic relations with other ship cities and factions.   3. Naval Assembly:
The Naval Assembly is a legislative body comprised of representatives from each of the city's naval vessels and warships. It is responsible for passing laws, enacting policies, and overseeing the day-to-day governance of the Iron Leviathan. Members of the Naval Assembly are elected by the crews of their respective ships, with each vessel granted a single vote in matters of governance.   4. Admiralty Courts:
The Admiralty Courts serve as the judicial branch of the Iron Leviathan's government, tasked with interpreting and enforcing the city's laws and regulations. They are responsible for adjudicating disputes, administering justice, and punishing those who violate the city's laws. The Admiralty Courts are presided over by a panel of judges appointed by the High Admiral and the Council of Captains.   5. Department of Defense:
The Department of Defense is responsible for overseeing the city's military forces, maintaining its defensive capabilities, and coordinating efforts to repel external threats. It is divided into various branches, including the Navy, the Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard, each tasked with specific responsibilities related to defense and security.   6. Department of Infrastructure:
The Department of Infrastructure is responsible for overseeing the maintenance and upkeep of the Iron Leviathan's physical infrastructure, including its buildings, roads, and utilities. It is tasked with ensuring the city remains functional and habitable for its inhabitants, coordinating construction projects, and repairing damage caused by external threats or natural disasters.


Warrior's Quarters
The Iron Leviathan is home to a population of skilled warriors and seasoned sailors, trained to defend their city against any threat that may arise. Barracks and armories line the decks, where soldiers stand ready to repel invaders and protect their home at all costs. Disciplined and vigilant, these defenders form the backbone of the city's military might.   Shipyard
The Iron Leviathan boasts one of the largest and most advanced shipyards in Largitas, where skilled craftsmen and engineers work tirelessly to construct and repair the city's fleet of warships and patrol boats. The clang of hammers and the roar of furnaces can be heard day and night as new vessels are launched into the ocean, each a testament to the city's commitment to naval supremacy.   Command Citadel
At the heart of the Iron Leviathan lies the Command Citadel, a massive and heavily fortified structure that serves as the nerve center of the city's military operations. Here, strategists and tacticians plan their campaigns and coordinate the defense of the city against external threats. Protected by layers of thick armor and bristling with cannons and defensive emplacements, the Citadel is impregnable to all but the most determined attackers.   Trade Hub
Despite its martial focus, the Iron Leviathan is also a thriving center of commerce and trade. Its strategic location at the crossroads of major trade routes makes it an ideal hub for merchants and traders from across Largitas. Markets and bazaars line the streets, offering a dizzying array of goods and wares from every corner of the continent.   Military Training Grounds
The Iron Leviathan is dedicated to the training and preparation of its defenders, with extensive military training grounds and practice arenas scattered throughout the city. Here, recruits undergo rigorous physical and tactical training under the watchful eye of seasoned veterans, honing their skills and preparing themselves for the rigors of combat.


Despite its formidable defenses, the Iron Leviathan faces numerous challenges in its quest to maintain security and stability in the turbulent world of Largitas. Pirates, sea monsters, and rival factions all pose constant threats to the city's safety, requiring constant vigilance and swift action to repel.   Moreover, internal dissent and political intrigue threaten to undermine the city's unity and cohesion, as ambitious individuals seek to seize power for themselves and advance their own agendas at the expense of the common good. Only by standing united and remaining vigilant can the inhabitants of the Iron Leviathan hope to overcome these challenges and emerge victorious.

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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