The Luckeater's Feast

Plot points/Scenes

1. The Celebration:

The adventure begins with the characters enjoying the birthday festivities. There are games, music, and plenty of food. The characters can interact with various NPCs, including:   Merrin Goodbarrel (the birthday celebrant)
Hob Highhill (the village elder)
Lyla Greenleaf (a local herbalist)
Tobin Bristlefoot (a mischievous young Halfling)  

2. The First Incident:

As the night progresses, a series of unfortunate events begins. The first sign of trouble occurs when a guest slips and falls, injuring themselves. The atmosphere becomes tense as more accidents happen, and the characters notice that some guests seem unusually unlucky.  

3. The Investigation:

The characters can investigate the incidents, talking to NPCs and searching the area. They may find clues that hint at the presence of a supernatural force, such as:   Strange symbols or runes around the village
Sudden cold spots or eerie whispers
Missing or malfunctioning luck charms (common in Halfling culture)  

4. The Reveal:

As the night deepens, the accidents become more severe, resulting in the first death. The village elder, Hob Highhill, gathers everyone and expresses his fear that an evil force is at work. An NPC, possibly Lyla Greenleaf, reveals knowledge of a creature known as the Luckeater, which feeds on the luck and vitality of others.  

5. Surviving the Night:

The Luckeater is invisible and can only be detected by its influence on luck. The characters must protect themselves and the remaining villagers. They can use the following strategies:   Luck Charms: Create or find luck charms to protect themselves.
Holy Water: Blessing the area or certain objects might repel the creature.
Trap or Banish: Using traps or rituals, they can try to banish or trap the Luckeater.  

6. The Final Confrontation:

The characters must face the Luckeater directly. They may set a trap or ambush the creature, using their wits and any magical or mundane means available. The Luckeater, while not physically strong, can manipulate luck, making attacks miss or causing accidents to occur. The players must find a way to expose and weaken it.  

7. Conclusion:

If the characters successfully repel or destroy the Luckeater, the village is saved, and the survivors celebrate their bravery. The adventure ends with the dawn breaking and the villagers mourning their lost, but also grateful for their safety.




The adventure takes place in a cozy Halfling village nestled in a lush, secluded valley. The village, named Frolic Hollow, is known for its warm, friendly inhabitants and its beautiful gardens. The adventure begins in the village's main hall, where the Halflings are celebrating the birthday of Merrin Goodbarrel, a beloved local baker.  


Unbeknownst to the villagers, a Luckeater—a rare and dangerous creature that feeds on luck—has been attracted to Frolic Hollow. The creature thrives in environments full of positive emotions and good fortune, and the birthday celebration is a perfect feeding ground. As the Luckeater consumes the luck of its victims, it leaves them vulnerable to accidents, misfortune, and even death.



Up to 20 Pregen level 1 Halfling Characters, just in case a character, or multiple characters, die. All characters should have some sort of Luck Feature.


Hob Highhill: The village elder, who knows some lore about the Luckeater.   Lyla Greenleaf: A local herbalist with knowledge of protective charms and rituals.


Merrin Goodbarrel: The birthday celebrant, who may be targeted by the Luckeater due to their happiness.


Tobin Bristlefoot: A mischievous Halfling who may cause trouble during the investigation.


The Luckeater: An invisible monster that feeds on luck.



1. The Goodbarrel Bakery

Description: The heart of the village's culinary delights, the Goodbarrel Bakery is a charming, cozy building with a thatched roof and a large, welcoming sign. The scent of freshly baked bread, pastries, and cakes always fills the air around it. The interior is warm and inviting, with a large stone oven, wooden shelves filled with baked goods, and a small dining area where villagers can enjoy a treat.
Notable NPC: Merrin Goodbarrel, the birthday celebrant and owner, is a cheerful and generous Halfling who loves to bake and share his creations with everyone.
Secrets: The bakery has a small, hidden compartment under the counter where Merrin keeps a stash of rare spices and ingredients, gifted by travelers.  

2. The Greenleaf Herb Shop

Description: A small, quaint shop filled with the scent of herbs and flowers, the Greenleaf Herb Shop is run by Lyla Greenleaf, the local herbalist. The shop is decorated with dried herbs hanging from the ceiling, potted plants, and jars filled with various concoctions. It is a go-to place for the villagers for medicinal herbs, teas, and potions.
Notable NPC: Lyla Greenleaf, a knowledgeable and kind-hearted herbalist, who also knows a bit about local folklore and protective charms.
Secrets: Lyla has a secret recipe for a protective charm against malevolent spirits, which she keeps in an old book hidden in her shop.  

3. Frolic Hollow Town Hall

Description: The largest building in the village, the Town Hall is where villagers gather for meetings, celebrations, and important announcements. It has a rustic charm, with wooden beams and a high ceiling. The hall is often decorated with seasonal flowers and banners. It has a stage for performances and a large fireplace at one end.
Notable NPC: Hob Highhill, the village elder, often leads meetings and ceremonies here.
Secrets: The Town Hall has a small attic where old records and documents are stored. Among these is a forgotten account of an ancient encounter with a Luckeater in the region, which could provide valuable insights.  

4. The Frolicking Fields

Description: A large open area at the edge of the village, the Frolicking Fields are used for festivals, markets, and games. The fields are lush and green, surrounded by wildflowers and gently rolling hills. During the day, children often play here, and during festivals, it becomes the center of activity.
Notable NPC: Tobin Bristlefoot, a mischievous young Halfling, often plays pranks and games here.
Secrets: There is an old, overgrown stone circle in a secluded part of the fields, which is believed to have been used for rituals in ancient times. Some villagers avoid the area, considering it bad luck.  

5. The Tranquil Pond

Description: A serene and picturesque pond located just outside the village. It is surrounded by weeping willows and is home to ducks and fish. The pond is a favorite spot for villagers to relax and reflect. A small wooden bridge crosses a narrow part of the pond, leading to a tiny island with a single bench.
Notable NPC: Eldric Pondhopper, a retired fisherman, often spends his time here, sharing stories and wisdom with anyone who stops by.
Secrets: Eldric occasionally mentions strange lights he has seen around the pond at night, which he believes are will-o'-the-wisps.  

6. The Hollow Home

Description: A communal house that serves as temporary lodging for travelers and a place for villagers in need. The Hollow Home is a warm and welcoming place, with several small rooms and a common area where guests can gather. The caretaker, a kind Halfling named Nella Hearthfire, ensures that everyone feels at home.
Notable NPC: Nella Hearthfire, the caretaker, known for her hospitality and delicious stew.
Secrets: Nella keeps a journal of every visitor who has stayed at the Hollow Home, including some who have had mysterious experiences during their stay.
Plot type

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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