The Overgrown Ruins

Deep within the heart of Largitas lies the ruins of a once-great civilization, now overrun by aggressive plant growth. This civilization was not only highly magically advanced but also boasted remarkable technological achievements. The party is tasked with exploring the ruins to uncover its secrets, retrieve valuable artifacts, and perhaps unlock the mysteries of the civilization's downfall.

Plot points/Scenes

1. Arrival at the Ruins:
The party arrives at the outskirts of the overgrown ruins, greeted by towering trees and thick foliage that obscure the remnants of the once-great civilization. They must navigate through the dense vegetation, hacking away at vines and brambles to uncover the entrance to the ruins.   2. Exploration of the Ruined City:
As the party ventures deeper into the ruins, they encounter the remnants of the civilization's magical and technological achievements. They explore ancient temples, crumbling libraries, and forgotten laboratories, uncovering clues and artifacts that shed light on the civilization's history and downfall.   3. Encounter with Plant Creatures:
Along the way, the party encounters aggressive plant creatures and twisted aberrations that have taken root within the ruins. They must battle through waves of monstrous foes, using their skills and abilities to overcome the dangers that lie in wait around every corner.   4. Discovery of Arcane and Technological Wonders:
As the party delves deeper into the ruins, they uncover the civilization's magical and technological marvels. They stumble upon arcane artifacts pulsing with latent energy, clockwork automatons patrolling the halls, and intricate machinery powered by long-forgotten principles. They must decipher the purpose of these wonders and harness their power to further their exploration.   5. Confrontation with the Catastrophe:
In the heart of the ruins, the party confronts the source of the cataclysm that brought about the civilization's downfall. They discover a chamber where a magical experiment went awry, triggering a chain reaction that unleashed the rampant plant growth that now consumes the ruins. They must battle against the forces of nature and confront the remnants of the experiment, using all their strength and skill to put an end to its effects before they spread beyond the confines of the ruins.


Exploration and Discovery:
The adventure focuses on the exploration of ancient ruins and the discovery of secrets hidden within. Themes of curiosity, investigation, and unraveling mysteries permeate the journey as the party delves deeper into the unknown.   Ancient Mysteries and Lost Knowledge:
The ruins hold the secrets of a once-great civilization, including its magical and technological achievements. Themes of ancient mysteries, forgotten lore, and the pursuit of knowledge drive the party's quest to uncover the truth behind the civilization's downfall.   Nature vs. Civilization:
The conflict between nature and civilization is a central theme, as the ruins are overrun by aggressive plant growth that threatens to consume everything in its path. Themes of balance, harmony, and the consequences of unchecked progress are explored as the party navigates through the overgrown wilderness.   Survival and Adaptation:
The party must contend with hostile environments and dangerous creatures as they explore the ruins. Themes of survival, resilience, and adaptation come into play as they face challenges and overcome obstacles in their quest to unravel the mysteries of the past.   Consequences of Hubris:
The cataclysm that befell the civilization serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of hubris and unchecked ambition. Themes of accountability, responsibility, and the repercussions of meddling with forces beyond one's control underscore the party's journey as they confront the remnants of the experiment gone awry.



The party arrives at the outskirts of the overgrown ruins, where they are briefed on their mission: to explore the ruins, uncover its secrets, and retrieve valuable artifacts. They learn about the civilization that once thrived here, known for its magical and technological advancements, and the mysterious cataclysm that led to its downfall.


As the party ventures deeper into the ruins, they encounter aggressive plant creatures and twisted aberrations that have taken root within the overgrown vegetation. They must battle against these creatures and navigate through treacherous terrain as they seek to uncover the truth behind the civilization's demise.

Rising Action

The party explores ancient temples, crumbling libraries, and forgotten laboratories, uncovering clues and artifacts that shed light on the civilization's history and technological achievements. They encounter remnants of the civilization's magical prowess, including arcane symbols, spell circles, and mystical artifacts pulsing with latent energy.


In the heart of the ruins, the party confronts the source of the cataclysm that brought about the civilization's downfall. They discover a chamber where a magical experiment went awry, triggering a chain reaction that unleashed the rampant plant growth that now consumes the ruins. They must battle against the forces of nature and confront the remnants of the experiment in a climactic showdown.

Falling Action

With the source of the cataclysm defeated, the party begins to make their way back through the ruins, retracing their steps and reflecting on the knowledge they have gained. They collect valuable artifacts and relics from the ruins, ready to return to civilization and share their discoveries with the world.


As the party emerges from the ruins, they are hailed as heroes, their names forever etched in the annals of history. The artifacts they have retrieved hold untold power and knowledge, offering glimpses into a bygone era of magic and technology. Though the mysteries of the ruins are far from fully explored, the party knows that they have accomplished something truly remarkable and that other adventures await them in the world beyond.



Explore the Ruins
The primary goal of the adventure is for the party to explore the overgrown ruins of the ancient civilization, uncovering its secrets and discovering the remnants of its magical and technological achievements.   Uncover the Truth
The party's secondary goal is to uncover the truth behind the civilization's downfall, including the cause of the cataclysm that led to its demise and the events that transpired in the ruins before they were overrun by aggressive plant growth.   Retrieve Valuable Artifacts
Along the way, the party seeks to retrieve valuable artifacts and relics from the ruins, including arcane objects imbued with latent energy, technological marvels from a bygone era, and historical artifacts that shed light on the civilization's culture and customs.   Confront the Source of the Cataclysm
The party's ultimate goal is to confront the source of the cataclysm that brought about the civilization's downfall, putting an end to its effects and restoring balance to the ruins. This may involve battling against powerful adversaries, solving intricate puzzles, and unraveling the mysteries of the past.   Survive and Escape
As the party delves deeper into the ruins, they must also contend with hostile environments and dangerous creatures that threaten their safety. Their goal is to survive the perils of the ruins and make their way back to civilization, carrying with them the knowledge and artifacts they have acquired during their adventure.


The Scholar's Quest:
A renowned scholar and historian seeks brave adventurers to accompany them on an expedition to explore the overgrown ruins of a lost civilization. They believe that the ruins hold valuable secrets and artifacts that could shed light on the mysteries of the past, but they need a skilled and resourceful party to help navigate the dangers that lie within.   The Merchant's Offer:
A wealthy merchant offers a handsome reward to any adventurers willing to retrieve a rare artifact rumored to be hidden within the overgrown ruins. The artifact is said to possess magical properties that could prove invaluable in the merchant's trade dealings, but retrieving it will require navigating through treacherous terrain and facing off against dangerous foes.   The Ancient Map:
A mysterious map has surfaced, depicting the location of the overgrown ruins and hinting at the untold riches and wonders that lie within. The party comes into possession of the map and sets out on a quest to uncover the truth behind its origins, following its clues to the heart of the ruins and the secrets that await them there.   The Call of Adventure:
The party hears rumors of strange occurrences in the wilderness, including sightings of mysterious lights and unearthly sounds emanating from the overgrown ruins. Intrigued by the possibility of adventure and discovery, they set out to investigate, unaware of the dangers that await them in the depths of the ruins.


Recovering Valuable Artifacts
The artifacts and relics hidden within the ruins hold immense value, both in terms of their historical significance and their potential magical properties. The stakes are high as the party seeks to retrieve these artifacts, with fortunes and reputations on the line for those who succeed in their quest.   Survival in Hostile Territory
The overgrown ruins are teeming with aggressive plant creatures and other dangers that threaten the party's safety at every turn. The stakes are life and death as they navigate through treacherous terrain, relying on their wits, skills, and teamwork to overcome the perils that lie in wait around every corner.   Earning Fame and Fortune
Success in exploring the ruins and uncovering their secrets could bring fame, fortune, and prestige to the party, elevating their status in the eyes of the world. Conversely, failure could lead to ruin and disgrace, with their names forever associated with defeat and failure in the annals of history.

Moral Quandaries

Preservation vs. Exploitation:
The party discovers a chamber filled with valuable artifacts and relics from the ancient civilization, including precious gems, intricate artwork, and magical artifacts. They must decide whether to preserve these treasures as historical artifacts, respecting the legacy of the civilization that created them, or to exploit them for personal gain, potentially disrupting the delicate balance of power and wealth in the world.   Knowledge vs. Ignorance:
The party uncovers a forbidden tome hidden within the ruins, containing dangerous knowledge and forbidden spells that could unleash untold chaos and destruction if wielded recklessly. They must decide whether to study the tome and risk the temptation of its dark powers, or to destroy it and safeguard the world from its influence, potentially depriving future generations of valuable knowledge and understanding.   Nature vs. Civilization:
The party encounters a group of sentient plant creatures living within the ruins, who have made the overgrown wilderness their home. They must decide whether to coexist peacefully with these creatures, respecting their right to inhabit the ruins, or to drive them out and reclaim the ruins for themselves, potentially destroying the delicate ecosystem that has developed within its walls in the process.

Cruel Tricks

Illusory Treasure Room:
The party stumbles upon a chamber filled with glittering treasures and valuable artifacts, seemingly ripe for the taking. However, as they approach and begin to collect the loot, they realize too late that it is all an elaborate illusion. The treasures vanish before their eyes, leaving them empty-handed and vulnerable to an ambush by lurking enemies concealed within the shadows.   Enchanted Maze:
The party enters a labyrinthine maze within the ruins, where twisting passages and shifting walls confound their senses and lead them in circles. No matter which direction they choose, they find themselves back at the same junction, unable to make progress or escape. They must rely on their wits and teamwork to solve the maze's puzzle and find a way out before they become hopelessly lost and trapped forever.   Cursed Artifact:
The party uncovers a powerful artifact hidden within the ruins, its ancient magic pulsing with latent energy. Eager to harness its power, they claim the artifact as their own, unaware of the curse that lies dormant within it. As they carry the artifact with them, they begin to experience strange and unsettling phenomena, from haunting visions to uncontrollable urges. They must find a way to break the curse before it consumes them completely, risking their lives and sanity in the process.

Red Herrings

False Prophecy:
The party discovers an ancient prophecy carved into the walls of the ruins, foretelling a great catastrophe that will befall the world if certain conditions are not met. They become fixated on deciphering the prophecy and fulfilling its requirements, believing that doing so will prevent the cataclysm from occurring. However, as they invest time and resources into unraveling the prophecy, they come to realize that it is merely a symbolic warning and not a literal prediction of future events.   Guardian Statue:
Deep within the ruins, the party encounters a towering statue of a fearsome guardian, its eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. Convinced that the statue holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the ruins, they engage in a tense standoff with the guardian, preparing for a battle to the death. However, as they approach the statue, they discover that it is merely a cleverly crafted illusion, designed to deter intruders and protect the ruins from unwanted visitors.   Ancient Rivalry:
The party uncovers evidence of a long-standing rivalry between two factions of the ancient civilization, each vying for dominance and control over the ruins. Believing that the conflict holds the key to understanding the civilization's downfall, they become embroiled in a web of deceit and betrayal as they seek to uncover the truth behind the feud. However, as they delve deeper into the mystery, they discover that the rivalry is merely a distraction, with the true cause of the civilization's demise lying elsewhere.



The Reclusive Scholar:
Deep within the ruins, the party encounters a reclusive scholar who has been studying the ancient civilization for years. They possess invaluable knowledge about the ruins, including their history, culture, and technological achievements. The scholar offers to accompany the party on their journey, sharing their expertise and helping to decipher the mysteries of the ruins.   The Friendly Plant Creature:
While exploring the overgrown wilderness, the party encounters a friendly plant creature who has made the ruins its home. Despite its intimidating appearance, the creature proves to be a valuable ally, guiding the party through the maze-like corridors and alerting them to hidden dangers. With its intimate knowledge of the ruins, the plant creature becomes an invaluable asset to the party, helping them navigate through treacherous terrain and overcome obstacles in their path.   The Ancient Guardian Spirit:
Deep within the heart of the ruins, the party encounters the spirit of an ancient guardian who has watched over the ruins for centuries. Though initially wary of the intruders, the guardian recognizes the party's noble intentions and offers to aid them in their quest. With its otherworldly powers and knowledge of the ruins' secrets, the guardian becomes a powerful ally to the party, guiding them through the dangers that lie ahead and offering protection against the malevolent forces that seek to thwart their progress.


The Enigmatic Guide:
An enigmatic guide who offers to lead the party through the ruins in exchange for a hefty fee. While their motives are unclear, the guide possesses intimate knowledge of the ruins and claims to know the safest routes through the overgrown wilderness. However, their true intentions remain shrouded in mystery, and the party must decide whether to trust them or proceed on their own.   The Reluctant Scholar:
A reluctant scholar who has been tasked with studying the ruins but is hesitant to venture into the dangerous wilderness alone. While knowledgeable about the ruins' history and culture, the scholar lacks the courage and practical skills needed to navigate through the overgrown terrain. They may offer valuable information and insights to the party in exchange for protection and assistance in their research.   The Mysterious Hermit:
A mysterious hermit who resides within the ruins, shunning contact with the outside world. While reclusive and aloof, the hermit possesses valuable knowledge about the ruins and may hold the key to unlocking their secrets. However, gaining the hermit's trust and cooperation proves to be a challenge, as they are wary of outsiders and reluctant to share their knowledge with strangers.


The Arrogant Archaeologist:
A renowned archaeologist who sees the ruins as their latest opportunity to cement their reputation as an expert in ancient civilizations. Confident and ambitious, the archaeologist views the party as mere amateurs and is determined to outshine them at every turn. They are willing to resort to underhanded tactics and sabotage to ensure their own success, even if it means putting the party in danger or stealing valuable artifacts from under their noses.   The Ruthless Treasure Hunter:
A ruthless treasure hunter who cares only for profit and has no qualms about exploiting the ruins for personal gain. Cunning and resourceful, the treasure hunter sees the party as obstacles standing in the way of their fortune and is willing to do whatever it takes to eliminate the competition. They may attempt to deceive or manipulate the party, leading them into traps or luring them into dangerous situations in order to gain the upper hand and claim the treasures of the ruins for themselves.


Aggressive Plant Creatures
Various plant creatures such as vine horrors, thorn stalkers, and mossy shamblers inhabit the ruins, attacking intruders on sight and defending their territory fiercely.   Twisted Aberrations
Strange aberrant creatures have taken up residence within the ruins, mutated by the magical energies that permeate the area. Examples include tentacled horrors, aberrant oozes, and mutated monstrosities.   Traps and Hazards
The ruins are riddled with traps and hazards designed to deter would-be looters and protect valuable artifacts. These may include collapsing ceilings, hidden pitfalls, poison dart traps, and magical wards.   Ancient Guardians
Powerful spirits and guardians bound to the ruins by ancient magic stand watch over its treasures, attacking any who would dare to disturb their slumber. These may include spectral warriors, elemental guardians, and ancient protectors.   Rival Adventurers
Competing adventurers and treasure hunters may also pose a threat to the party, seeking to claim the ruins' treasures for themselves and willing to resort to violence and deception to achieve their goals.   Environmental Dangers
The overgrown wilderness surrounding the ruins presents its own set of challenges, including treacherous terrain, poisonous plants, and natural hazards such as flash floods and rockslides.   Corrupted Wildlife
The magical energies that pervade the ruins have twisted the local wildlife into monstrous aberrations. Examples include corrupted beasts such as dire wolves, mutated bears, and venomous spiders.   Cursed Artifacts
The party may encounter cursed artifacts hidden within the ruins, which can exert a malevolent influence on those who come into contact with them. These cursed items may possess dangerous powers or unleash supernatural forces upon the party.



The Overgrown Plaza:
A once-grand plaza surrounded by crumbling buildings and overgrown ruins, where the civilization's inhabitants gathered for festivals and celebrations. Now, the plaza lies in ruins, its once-proud structures reduced to crumbling rubble. Strange plant creatures and twisted aberrations roam its streets, attacking any who dare to trespass upon their territory.   The Forgotten Temple:
A grand temple dedicated to the gods of the ancient civilization, now overrun by thick vegetation and tangled vines. Intricate carvings adorn its walls, depicting scenes from ancient myths and legends. Deep within the temple lies the sacred sanctum, where powerful artifacts and relics are said to be hidden.   The Arcane Laboratory:
A sprawling laboratory filled with arcane machinery and alchemical apparatuses, where the civilization's greatest minds conducted experiments and research into the nature of magic. Strange symbols cover the walls, glowing faintly with residual energy. The laboratory holds valuable knowledge and artifacts, but also dangerous traps and hazards left behind by its former occupants.   The Hidden Library:
A secret library hidden deep within the ruins, containing a wealth of knowledge and lore preserved by the civilization's scholars. Books and scrolls line the shelves, their pages filled with ancient texts and forbidden spells. However, the library is guarded by powerful wards and traps, designed to protect its secrets from prying eyes. Only those with the wit and determination to unravel its mysteries can hope to unlock its true potential.   The Source of the Catastrophe:
Deep below the earth, accessable by hidden passageways in the Laboratory and Temple, is the source of the catastrophe that wiped out the civilization. Several broken glass tanks line the walls of this dark room, lit only by the soft glow of the only remaining tank, inside of which floats un unidentifiable creature. While there are no other signs of life within the room, the creature stirs when the party draw near, exploding out of its prison and attacking.


Combat Encounters:

Ambush by Plant Creatures:
As the party explores the ruins, they are ambushed by a group of aggressive plant creatures lurking within the dense foliage. Vines lash out, thorns fly through the air, and the ground beneath their feet erupts with grasping roots. The party must fend off the relentless onslaught of the plant creatures while navigating through the treacherous terrain.   Attack of the Catastrophe:
As the party nears the tank in the underground lab, the creature within stirs, before exploding out of its prison and attacking. It attacks anyone that tries to approach it blindly, lashing out with plants and magic as it drags itself across the floor. The party must either defeat or placate it in order to win.  

Puzzle/Riddle Solving:

Ancient Trap Room:
The party enters a chamber filled with intricate traps and deadly hazards, designed to test the unwary and protect valuable treasures. Pressure plates trigger hidden mechanisms, spikes shoot out from the walls, and the floor gives way beneath their feet. The party must use their wits and skills to navigate through the trap-riddled chamber and reach the other side unscathed.   Guardian Spirit's Trial:
Deep within the ruins, the party encounters the spirit of an ancient guardian who challenges them to prove their worthiness to uncover the ruins' secrets. The guardian sets forth a series of trials and tests, each more challenging than the last, designed to push the party to their limits and determine their true intentions. The party must overcome these trials with courage and determination, proving themselves worthy of the guardian's trust and assistance in their quest.  


Parley with the Plant Sovereign:
As the party ventures deeper into the heart of the ruins, they come upon a vast chamber filled with towering trees and dense foliage, forming a verdant canopy overhead. At the center of the chamber stands a colossal tree, its gnarled branches reaching towards the sky like grasping fingers. This tree is the home of the Plant Sovereign, a powerful entity that commands the plant creatures inhabiting the ruins.
Plot type

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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