The Siege of Calgalli


The Bloom Emerges:

The Bloom first appeared in the Kingdom of Calgalli in 1 AtB. The falling of an unknown celestial body resulted in the spread of this insidious, plant-based infection. Initially, it was a localized issue, and the Calgalli Kingdom worked diligently to contain it, keeping its true nature and danger a closely guarded secret.  

Rapid Spread:

By 20 AtB, the Bloom had spread significantly within Calgalli, infecting towns and villages, transforming landscapes into nightmarish, overgrown regions. As the Bloom expanded, it became harder to conceal. The once-prosperous central kingdom found itself on the brink of collapse, with entire areas being consumed by the Bloom.  

First Wave of Bloom Beasts:

The Bloom not only transformed plant life but also reanimated the dead, creating terrifying creatures known as Bloom Beasts. These beings were stronger, more aggressive, and utterly relentless, driven by a mindless hunger to spread the Bloom further.

The Conflict


The Siege Begins:

In 22 AtB, the Bloom reached the outskirts of Calgalli’s capital city, Glimmerhold. The city was fortified and prepared for many threats, but the nature of the Bloom and its creatures caught the defenders off guard. As Bloom Beasts began to swarm the city, panic spread among the population. The initial wave of Bloom Beasts included Bloom Shamblers, Bloom Drakes, and Bloom Stalkers, each bringing their own unique dangers.


Defensive Measures:

King Eirik Calgalli ordered all able-bodied men and women to the walls and streets to defend against the encroaching threat. The city’s mages, clerics, and alchemists worked tirelessly to develop countermeasures against the Bloom. Fire and acid proved effective, but supplies were limited, and the constant regeneration of the Bloom Beasts made them difficult to put down permanently.

The Engagement

Turning the Tide:

Despite the initial chaos, the defenders of Glimmerhold adapted quickly. Dwarven allies from the north provided invaluable assistance, using their knowledge of crafting and fortifications to reinforce the city’s defenses. The combined forces of humans, dwarves, and other allied races formed a more coordinated defense, creating fire traps and deploying powerful spells to slow the advance of the Bloom.  

A Hero Emerges:

During the height of the siege, a young mage named Lyra Voss discovered a way to disrupt the Bloom’s regenerative abilities using a combination of fire and light magic. Leading a small contingent of skilled warriors and mages, she spearheaded a counterattack that managed to push the Bloom Beasts back from the city walls. Her bravery and ingenuity inspired the defenders, turning the tide in their favor.


Victory at a Cost:

After weeks of relentless fighting, the defenders of Glimmerhold managed to repel the Bloom Beasts, securing the city for the time being. However, the victory came at a great cost. Many lives were lost, and large swathes of the surrounding countryside were left devastated and uninhabitable.


Revelation and Realization:

The siege forced the Calgalli Kingdom to reveal the true extent of the Bloom to neighboring kingdoms. The secrecy that had surrounded the Bloom’s emergence was shattered, and the leaders of Largitas realized that they were facing an existential threat that required a united response.  

Formation of Alliances:

The Siege of Calgalli marked the beginning of a more coordinated effort to combat the Bloom. Neighboring kingdoms and races formed alliances, sharing knowledge and resources to develop more effective strategies and defenses against the Bloom. This early conflict laid the groundwork for the formation of organizations like the Bloom Research and Scouting Corps (BRASC) in later years.

Historical Significance


The heroism displayed during the siege, particularly by Lyra Voss, became a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of the Bloom. Stories of the Siege of Calgalli were told and retold, reminding the people of Largitas that even in their darkest hour, they could stand together and fight back against the encroaching terror of the Bloom.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
22 AtB
Ending Date
23 AtB

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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Jul 19, 2024 06:30 by Hayley Gross

Great work! The concept of plant life rapidly taking over areas and changing the dead to definitely makes them darkly fascinating and big threat.   Hayley ^_^

Jul 19, 2024 06:45

Thank you! Plants taking over is pretty much the entire concept for this world. I was inspired by the thought of "Cities always get shown as overgrown in post-apocalypse movies...what if the apocalypse WAS the plants overgrowing everything?" and it kind of spiraled from there.

Jul 20, 2024 21:29 by Hayley Gross

My pleasure Grey, I bet it will be an amazing campaign, and will be fertile ground for stories and or novels. I also thought of Kudzu (aka Japanese Arrowroot) that stuff is terrifying and lends a sense of grounded grittiness for Blooming Continent.   Hayley ^_^