The Black Network

The Black Network is an unscrupulous shadow network that seeks to expand its influence and power throughout the Bound Expanse. The organization has had a storied history as a cadre of self-serving thieves, spies, assassins and malevolent wizards. Common folks know the Black Network as the people to talk to when you need the best guards or mercenaries money can buy, not necessarily knowing the full extent of the Black Network's operations and ambitions. And if the cargo is shady or the cause you’re fighting for is questionable or even unjust, the Black Network don’t mind. Affiliation with the Black Network can be profitable to sellswords, thieves, and rogues of every stripe. The order’s criminal connections burrow into every major city and thieves’ guild on and around Vanahar. Wherever a city’s coinage is disastrously undermined by counterfeiting, wherever an up-and-coming business runs roughshod over its established competitors, and wherever a political struggle turns to widespread intimidation, it’s a safe bet that the Black Network are involved.


A novice of the organisation is called Fang. With experience and repute, they would rise through the ranks of Wolf, Viper, Ardragon. If one is ruthless and cunning enough, they might land the throne of the Dread Lord.


A member of the Black Network thinks of themself as a member of a large family, and relies on the Network for resources and security. However, members are granted enough autonomy to pursue their own interests and gain some measure of personal power or influence. The Black Network is a meritocracy. It promises “the best of the best,” although, in truth, the Network is more interested in spreading its own propaganda and influence than investing in the improvement of its individual members.   Principals of the Black Network
  • The Black Network is your family. You watch out for it, and it watches out for you.
  • You are the master of your own destiny. Never be less than what you deserve to be.
  • Everything—and everyone—has a price.

Public Agenda

There is nothing without building up wealth and taking every opportunity to seize more power. Only by gaining more influence over people can the Black Network truly protect its extended family. If doing so would allow the Network domination over the Expanse? All the better.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary


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