The Orphans

Working undercover in the major cities of Reole and Vanahar, the Orphans are mages and spies whose aim is to prevent the abuse of power. They accumulate knowledge on the political workings of the realms, endeavouring to protect the common folk from tyranny and oppression.   The Orphans often recruit adventurers to assist the faction in times of dire need, especially when major towns and cities are threatened by authoritarian forces.


All members start from the rank of Watcher. As they take missions and build out their skillsets and reputations, they would rise to the ranks of Soleshadow, Brightflame, Screech Owl, and eventually High Orphan.   The Orphans are led by a council of High Orphans, who are responsible for most of the group's long-term plans and goals. High Orphans are elected through the means of secret ballots among the other High Orphans, with the criteria being long-term service and extreme discretion in the implementation of their plans.


Orphans could be of any age or profession, any sex or gender, and of any race. Orphan agents are trained to act alone and rely on their own resources. When they get into scrapes, they don’t count on their fellow Orphans to rescue them. Nevertheless, Orphans are dedicated to helping one another in times of need, and friendships between Orphans are nigh unbreakable. Masterful spies and infiltrators, they use various guises and secret identities to form relationships, cultivate their information networks, and manipulate others into doing what needs to be done. Although most Orphans prefer to operate in the shadows, there are exceptions.   The Orphans measure success in the value and quantity of intelligence gained by a course of action, as well as how that knowledge can be used to leverage an enemy into submission. The Orphans are willing to cooperate with unsavory types and leverage evil assets, but not if doing so endangers others unnecessarily. They can respect the deftness and skill needed to make such an arrangement, even if they do not like the arrangement itself.

Public Agenda

The Orphans gather information throughout the Bound Expanse to promote fairness and equality by redistributing powers covertly. When any powerful authorities and organizations turn tyrannical, the Orphans shall thwart their power and ambitions. When the people are oppressed, Orphans should aid and raise them up.
Political, Faction / Party


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