The Sovereign Alliance

The Sovereign Alliance is a partnership of countries and city states on the Vanahar  isola and surrounding isles. The first leader was Sovereign Kane I . The alliance owes its success to effective cooperation and diplomacy between its members, who work to align their separate settlements toward a mutual purpose. This cooperation is easier during times of crisis, making the Sovereign Alliance a powerful force when threats require a united front.   The alliance has hired adventurers to work for them in the past for tasks ranging from gathering simple information, or for use in defense. Local adventurers can quickly gain status, as well as powerful friends by helping the alliance, but can just as easily make enemies as a result.   The organisation is known far and wide, both exalted and feared across Vanahar. The organization's chief belief is that civilization and prosperity is key and it can be achieved by bringing stability and peace to all places, by force if necessary.


Principles of the Sovereign Alliance
  • If civilization is to survive, all must unite against the dark forces that treaten it.
  • Fight for your realm. Only you can bring honor, glory, and prosperity to your lord and homeland.
  • Don't wait for the enemy to come to you. The best defense is a strong offense.

Public Agenda

Goals of the Sovereign Alliance
  • Ensure the safety and prosperity of countries and cities of Vanahar and the surrounding isles.
  • Maintain a strong coalition against the forces of disorder.
  • Proactively eliminate threats to the established powers.
  • Bring honor and glory to one's leaders and one's homeland.
Political, Faction / Party


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