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Elemental Plane of Air


The Elemental Plane of Air, also known as the Endless Sky or the Boundless Blue, is an infinite expanse of sky, characterized by its crisp, clear, and sweet air. like many of the elemental planes, it lacks a solid ground, making it a unique and ethereal realm where gravity is based on one's perception. If a being believes a direction to be "down," they will fall in that direction. Non-sentient objects, however, simply float in place, suspended in the vast openness.

Geography and Environment

The Elemental Plane of Air is an infinite void of sky, devoid of any ground or solid mass, save for the occasional floating island or cloud formation. The atmosphere is calm and tranquil, offering a serene and peaceful environment. The air is notably pure, making it refreshing and invigorating for those who travel through it. Despite its generally peaceful nature, the plane is not without its dangers. The most significant threat comes from its massive and destructive storms, which can appear suddenly and wreak havoc on anything caught within them.


The plane is home to a variety of creatures adapted to life in the sky. Among the inhabitants are:
  Flying Animals: Various species of birds, bats, and insects thrive here, taking advantage of the endless expanse of air to fly freely.
Air Elementals: These beings are composed entirely of air, making them invisible to the naked eye. They move through the plane with ease, embodying the very essence of the wind.
Flying Creatures: Mythical creatures such as pegasi and griffins also call the Elemental Plane of Air home, soaring through the skies with grace and majesty.
Djinn: The Djinn are perhaps the most notable residents of this plane. These powerful beings of air and magic reside in magnificent flying palaces built upon clouds. Their homes are wonders of architecture and magic, often moving across the sky with the whims of their inhabitants.

Perception-Based Gravity

A unique feature of the Elemental Plane of Air is its perception-based gravity. Sentient beings determine their own sense of direction and fall accordingly. This means that what one person perceives as "down" may be "up" for another. This property allows for incredible freedom of movement but can be disorienting for newcomers who are not accustomed to such a concept. Non-sentient objects, lacking this perception, remain suspended in place, unaffected by any gravitational pull.
Dimensional plane


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