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Renowned for their resilience, craftsmanship, and indomitable spirit, dwarves stand as stalwart guardians of their ancient traditions and formidable warriors of the earth. Despite their modest stature, typically standing under 5 feet tall, dwarves possess a robust build and unmatched endurance, allowing them to weather the harshest of challenges with unwavering courage and determination.  


Dwarves, embodying the essence of the earth, exhibit a rugged and sturdy appearance reflective of their affinity for the depths of the earth. Their skin tones span from deep browns to reddish hues, echoing the hues of the rugged landscapes they call home. Dwarven hair and beards, often worn long and meticulously groomed, come in an array of shades including black, gray, and brown, serving as symbols of their pride and heritage. While some dwarves proudly flaunt their facial hair, it is typically the female dwarves who opt to shave them off. Despite their modest stature, typically standing under 5 feet tall, dwarves possess a robust build and unmatched endurance, allowing them to endure the harshest of challenges with unwavering courage and determination.  


Rooted in centuries of tradition and ancestral heritage, dwarven culture is steeped in reverence for the past and an unwavering commitment to clan and kin. Ancient strongholds, forged in the fires of antiquity, serve as testament to their enduring legacy, with each clan holding deep familial bonds and comprising large extended families. Central to their cultural identity is the veneration of Divine glyphs embodying dwarven ideals, with the The Sun flame , symbolizing mastery of the forge and craftsmanship, holding particular reverence among many clans. Dwarves epitomize steadfastness and loyalty, holding true to their word and standing resolute in the face of adversity. Dwarves epitomize steadfastness and loyalty, holding true to their word and standing resolute in the face of adversity. Their unwavering commitment to justice is matched only by their determination to uphold the honor of their clan, with grievances against a single dwarf seen as affronts to the collective honor of their kin. Slow to forget wrongs endured, dwarves harbor grudges that span generations, transforming individual disputes into full-blown clan feuds that endure through the annals of time. Many dwarves have a strong sense of justice, and they are slow to forget wrongs they have suffered. A wrong done to one dwarf is a wrong done to the dwarf’s entire clan, so what begins as one dwarf’s hunt for vengeance can become a full-blown clan feud.  


Through the ages, they have borne witness to the shifting tides of history, shaping the world with their enduring presence and unwavering spirit. Some dwarven clans can trace their heritage back to the age of ancients. It is thought that they inhabited the continent before they Fey arrived making them the oldest humanoid race native to the northern continent.


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