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Orcs are burly raiders known for their physical strength and ferocious nature. They are characterized by their prominent lower canines, which resemble tusks, and their imposing stature. Orcs are typically larger and stronger than most other humanoid races.

Physical Characteristics

Orcs are known for their formidable physique. They are typically tall, muscular, and possess considerable physical strength, which they use to their advantage in combat and daily survival. Their lower canines are notably prominent, resembling tusks, which adds to their fearsome appearance.

Society and Culture

Orc society is tribal, with each tribe led by the strongest and most fearsome warrior. These tribes satisfy their bloodlust through raiding and combat, often targeting any humanoids that stand against them. The constant struggle for dominance and survival shapes their culture, making them formidable adversaries.
  Orcs tend to worship gods of war, with The Eye of Blood  and The Feral Mark  being particularly revered. These deities embody the orcs' values of strength, warfare, and survival of the fittest. Religious rituals often involve acts of violence and demonstrations of strength, further reinforcing their warlike culture.

Geographic Distribution

Orc tribes can be found all over the continent, with a significant concentration in the Ebon Marshes . In this region, many orc tribes are engaged in constant territorial battles, fighting each other for dominance and resources. The harsh environment of the Ebon Marshes suits their resilient nature and propensity for conflict.

Relations with Other Races

Due to their reputation as savage and bloodthirsty, it is rare to see orcs in large civilizations. Their aggressive tendencies and tribal lifestyle often put them at odds with other races, leading to frequent conflicts. As a result, orcs are generally viewed with suspicion and fear by other humanoid societies.


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