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Order of the Fang


The Order of the Fang, also known as the White Wolves or the Frostfang Knights, is a renowned knightly order based in Citadel of the Fang in Vangir. Distinguished by their use of winter wolves as mounts, the knights of this order are celebrated for their resilience and ferocity. The winter wolf, a symbol of the order, epitomizes their strength and tenacity.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Order of the Fang serves as the primary military force of Vangir. In addition to their role in defense, they also function as hunters and scouts, patrolling the perilous Frostfang Expanse. Their dual role as soldiers and providers makes them central to Vangir's survival and security, embodying the society's deep respect for strength and bravery.


The Order of the Fang is led by the Icelord, a position chosen from within the ranks of the order. The Icelord serves as both the head of the order and the ruler of the city of Vangir. His personal elite, known as the Ice Pack, comprises his most skilled warriors. Below the Ice Pack are the Alphas, senior warriors who take on additional responsibilities such as training new recruits and leading groups. The regular knights, who form the bulk of the order, are formidable warriors who have successfully completed the Lone Wolf Trials and command much respect both within the order and throughout Vangir. The order also includes many Aspirants, young warriors who have yet to pass the Lone Wolf Trials and are tasked with squiring and managing the Citadel of the Fang.

Initiation and Training

Joining the Order of the Fang is a grueling process that underscores the harsh realities of life in Vangir. Aspirants must undertake the Lone Wolf Trials, an initiation task that tests their survival skills and combat prowess. Each aspirant is sent into the Frostfang Expanse with a choice of a sword, an axe, or a hammer, tasked with returning with the head of a beast selected by their trainers. This deadly trial ensures that only the strongest and most capable warriors join the ranks of the Order, with many aspirants never returning.

A Fierce Reputation

The warriors of the Fang are seen by many outsiders as brutal and barbaric, a reputation enjoyed by most members but one that couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, they possess a level of discipline and skill that is unmatched in the harsh northern expanse. These warriors are assertive enough to domesticate winter wolves, diplomatic enough to negotiate with frost giants, and sharp enough to discern the imitations of wendigos. Their hunting parties employ advanced tracking and trapping techniques, regularly taking down formidable foes like Behemoths and Ice Wyverns—creatures capable of severing a dwarf in two with a single bite. Additionally, their knowledge of the treacherous expanse is so refined that they can navigate through blizzards, where getting lost often means death, and detect the presence of ice krakens before these monstrous beings can drag entire ships beneath the frozen seas.

Cultural Significance

In Vangir, where strength is idolized, the knights of the Order of the Fang are revered as the epitome of martial prowess. Their successful completion of the Lone Wolf Trials and their ongoing service to the community earn them a status that borders on legendary. The winter wolf, as both a companion and a symbol, reinforces the knights' connection to the harsh environment they protect and thrive in.

Notable members

Jolgan Granitefall: old dwarf. works as a mercenary while traiing up younger dwarfs away from the Vangir.
Military, Knightly Order


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