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  The Sigminor is both a solar event and a holiday observed across most of the continent. Occurring once every 30 days, this unique phenomenon takes place when the red sun, Sigmis , rises at dusk and remains visible in the sky throughout the entire night. This event results in the night being bathed in a distinctive red light.


The Sigminor happens twelve times a year, specifically on the 30th, 60th, and 90th days of each season. The regularity of this event makes it a significant and much-anticipated occurrence in the annual calendar of the continent's inhabitants.


In most regions, the Sigminor is celebrated with an all-night party. Communities come together to enjoy music, dancing, feasting, and various forms of entertainment under the red-lit sky. These celebrations are marked by a festive atmosphere, with people taking the opportunity to socialize and revel in the unique ambiance created by the red sun.

Religious Significance

For those who worship the suns as incarnations of the Divine Glyph, known as The Sun Flame , the Sigminor holds deep religious significance. During this time, special rituals and ceremonies are conducted to honor the divine nature of Sigmis. Temples and shrines dedicated to The Sun Flame are adorned with offerings, and prayers are recited to seek blessings and guidance from the celestial entity.

Cultural Impact

The Sigminor has a profound cultural impact across the continent. Its regular occurrence and the unique visual spectacle it provides have inspired various forms of art, music, and literature. The red light of Sigmis is often depicted in paintings and described in poems, symbolizing both the beauty and mystery of the night.


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