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Vallencourt, officially known as Cardinal Heskel, is the enigmatic leader of the Concordian 6th legion . As one of the Cardinals of Concordia, Vallencourt is a figure shrouded in mystery, with almost no public information available about him or his fellow Cardinals. This secrecy is maintained rigorously by the High Temple of Concordia , which ensures that details of their identities, origins, and true natures remain hidden from the general populace.

Background and Appearance

Though little is known about Vallencourt's true history, it is widely speculated that he, along with the other Cardinals, has been present since the founding of Concordia, making him over 800 years old. Despite this great age, Vallencourt appears as a young man in his 20s, with blond hair and striking blue eyes, a testament to his mastery of magic that likely allows him to maintain a youthful appearance. In all public appearances, he wears an ivory mask that obscures his face, a tradition followed by all Cardinals to maintain their anonymity and mystique.


Vallencourt is known for his extreme arrogance, a trait that sets him apart even among the powerful and often aloof Cardinals. He believes himself to be superior to all others, including his fellow Cardinals, which fuels his desire for dominance and control. This arrogance is matched by his extraordinary confidence in his abilities, both in magic and in leadership. He is not only a brilliant tactician but also an individual who does not hesitate to exploit his perceived superiority to manipulate or outmaneuver his adversaries.


As the head of the 6th Legion, Vallencourt specializes in battle strategies and tactics. His genius-level intellect in these areas has made him a formidable military leader, feared by his enemies and respected by his peers. The 6th Legion is known for its advanced tactical maneuvers and precision in battle, much of which is attributed to Vallencourt's strategic planning and execution. In addition to his tactical prowess, Vallencourt wields a phenomenal amount of magical power. His magic is not only potent in combat but also versatile, allowing him to manipulate both the battlefield and his enemies in various ways.

Role and Influence

Vallencourt's role as a Cardinal Heskel places him in one of the most powerful positions within the Concordian Empire. As a Cardinal, he not only leads the 6th Legion but also holds significant sway over Concordian policy and strategy, both military and political. His influence is felt throughout the Empire, from the High Temple to the farthest reaches of Concordian control. His presence commands respect, and his decisions often shape the course of the Empire's actions and ambitions.


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