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The Three Kings & The Creation Myth

"Three Kings rule over this world and the world beyond. the One above all, the One at the center of all and the One below all."
— unknown
The Three Kings are the ruling 3 Overdeities that founded and forged the brass Realms.

Rao Primus and Asmodeus.
They are all immensely powerful creatures in their own right, but also command over legions of loyal vassals in the Angels, Mechanoids and Demons.


These three overdeities are all predisposed towards order. When faced with the collapse of the World-That-Was they banded together and through their power reforged its shattered fragments into the The Crystal Sphere.

Entities and aspects that were trapped inside the barrier at the time of its creation were either destroyed, contained or integrated. The Mechanoids were established as the primary force defending the realms from the Outside, that decayed more and more into unmitigated chaos.

After the Realms were firmly established, the unity between the three kings fell apart. Asmodeus and Rao could no longer put their differences aside and the eternal war between Mount Celestia and Hades broke out. To regulate this affair and to lessen its impact, The Pact Primeval was written and all three kings were voluntarily enchained in massive shackles of brass.
Still, while the Kings are imprisoned, they still act through their vassals and followers.

The Creation Myth

"How did we get here?"
— Age old question

In the Beginning there was Nothing.

And from nothing came the great Chaos.

The Spawn of Chaos destroyed all they touched, they fought among themselves endlessly, and nothing could last.
After eons of senseless battles, three were born, united in an alliance unmatched, a great triumvirate.

These three were:
Rao, God of Justice.
Asmodeus, God of Tyranny.
Primus, God of Order.

They took the light of the stars and built from it a great wall, to stand between themselves and the outsiders and their destructive ways.

Primus sought to make himself a paradise within the safety of the walls.
"Order, shall there be.", and he cast the chaos to the fringes.
In this they all agreed, for they were being of order.

But they fought fiercely about how the world should be ordered. Asmodeus wished to rule supreme, Rao could not allow such tyranny and Primus did not care so long as order was maintained.

After eons they came to an accord.
In chains of Law they were bound, willingly, The One Above All, The One At The Center Of All and The One Below All.
In Chains of Brass and Order they were bound, Justice, Order and Tyranny, as they built the Divine Machine.
In Chains of Promises and Vows they were bound, as the great dance began and Rao and Asmodeus begun their eternal war with Primus as a neutral, uncaring judge.

With time, the great administrators were forged to aid in the great dance
And many more

And from the wishes and desires of gods came all living things.

They the took the black of night and made of them the mountains.
They took the starlight and split it, making from it water and plants.
And few scant millennia ago they took a drop of sunlight and with it breathed life into the first humans.
Now, what will your role be in this great celestial artwork?

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