Mississippi LLC

Mississippi LLC is a megacorporation that specializes in security services.   It operates in various sectors, such as personal protection, corporate security, law enforcement, military contracting, and cyberwarfare. It has a reputation for being ruthless, efficient, and loyal to its clients, no matter the cost.


  • Manufacturing Facilites.
  • Micro-DH Power Plant 1


Founded in 2081 by a former military officer named John Mississippi, who saw an opportunity to profit from the growing demand for private security in the wake of social unrest, corporate wars, and cybercrime.   In 2180, Mississippi LLC gained control of The Quad's District 9, the sprawling urban area that was formerly under the jurisdiction of the Travel Corp (TC). The TC had been struggling to maintain order and security in the district, which was plagued by poverty, crime, and corruption. Mississippi LLC offered to take over the district in exchange for a lucrative contract and a free hand to operate as it pleased. The TC agreed, hoping to save money and resources, and handed over the district to Mississippi LLC.   Since then, Mississippi LLC has transformed District 9 into a fortified enclave, where it enforces its own laws and regulations. It has installed surveillance cameras, checkpoints, drones, and armed guards throughout the district, creating a state of constant fear and oppression for the residents. It has also exploited the district’s resources, such as its factories and one of the Micro-DT power plants. It has cracked down on any form of dissent or resistance, using brutal force and cyberattacks to silence its opponents. It has also recruited some of the district’s inhabitants into its ranks, offering them better pay and living conditions, but also demanding absolute loyalty and obedience.   In 2195, Mississippi LLC's outside ties were severed like many of the MegaCorps who were HQ elsewhere. Finding itself isolated from resources it needed, such as food, they began to co-oporate with the other Megacorps to help secure The Quad. Offering military capability, electrical power, and manufacturing capabilities to the other 19 districts.   Mississippi LLC’s control of District 9 has made it one of the most powerful and influential megacorporations in The Quad. It has also attracted the attention and envy of its rivals, who are looking for ways to challenge or undermine its dominance. Mississippi LLC is aware of the threats it faces, and is prepared to defend its territory and interests by any means necessary. It is not afraid to use its vast arsenal of weapons, technology, and personnel to achieve its goals, even if it means causing collateral damage or violating human rights.

We've got your 6

Main Corp Focus Security Services General Corp Style Haughty, focusing only on the very top end of its market and product type Particular Corp Strengths They have very well-trained security
CEO: Ian Rumpel
Founding Date
Controlled Territories

Cover image: by Bing Image Gen


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