Nightjar Industries


Nightjar Industries developed the first ever synthetic human, known as a Synth, profoundly changing the economic landscape. While their HQ was not located within The Quad, their influence is still felt as many Synths were procured from NightJar to work within The Quad.


Nightjar Industries developed the first ever synthetic human, known as a Synth, profoundly changing the economic landscape. These “synths” had biological bodies and incredibly complex AI. Most importantly for the megacorporations, these artificial humanoids also had no legal rights and were used in a comprehensive arrangement of jobs that humans could not be used for.   In 2144, uprisings within the systems began to occur to strive for more rights for synths as the AI systems began to claim sentience. Many of these riots started from synths that gained enough power within megacorps to manipulate supply guns, vehicles, and financials into the hands of the synths. In 2150, the megacorporations passed the 38th law preventing synthetic humans from holding positions of power and began developing screenings to verify humanity upon job applications.

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