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Altizoa (all-tee-zoe-ah)

Altizoas are some of the largest known land-species. Their long necks give them access to fresh leaves on treetops where they have little competition. They use their long claws to bring down branches if their necks aren't enough, and they are also useful for defense.

Basic Information


Altizoas are bipedal ungulates and have rotund bodies with a multiple-chambered gut for rumination and processing toxic plants. Their hind legs are rather short with cloven hooves. Their arms are long and have four fingers with meter-long claws on each. The tail is long and thick for maintaining balance. Their neck is nearly as long as the rest of the body, and supports a large head sporting a crown of antlers growing like a wreath around the head. While most of the body is a light brown or cream color, the neck is dark brown with large orange spots.

Genetics and Reproduction

Female altizoas have a gestation period of 1.5 years. And will care for the calf for up to 5 years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young altizoas can stand upright after only a few hours of being born, but they rely on their mother to bring them leaves from the treetops as they are too short to reach. Around 5 years of age the altizoa will enter adolecense, in which their antlers will start to grow. It can take another 2-3 years for the crown to grow to its full size.

Ecology and Habitats

Altizoas only live on the Western savannah where the scattered savannah trees give them enough food without hindering their movement.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Altizoas are herbivores and eat many types of leaves off of treetops, even toxic ones, as they have special stomach bacteria that makes them immune to most plant toxins.


Altizoas are gentle giants who are rarely bothered by other creatures as their sheer size grants them few natural predators. However, a fight between to altizoas can be very brutal. More altizoas die from their own kind rather than from predators.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their large eyes, along with their height, give the altizoa a great field of vision over the landscape.

Name Origin & Meaning

The name "altizoa" comes from the varan words "alti"=to stand, and "zoalil"=sun.
30 - 40 years
Average Height
4 - 5 meters (at top of the head)
Average Weight
1 - 2 tons
Geographic Distribution


  • A male altizoa is called a bull.
  • A female altizoa is called a cow.
  • A juvenile altizoa is called a calf.
  • A group of altizoas is called a herd.
  • The plural of altizoa is altizoas.

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