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Varvel (var-vell)

Varvels are flightless, arboreal birds found in forests where they climb trees and ambush their prey by swiftly gliding down from the branches and climbing back up using their clawed wings. They have an uncanny ability to mimic the sounds of other creatures, which they use to lure in prey.

Basic Information


Varvels are predatory birds with a mostly green feather-covering. Their underbellies and face are white, while the top of the head is a darker green. Both males and females have a pink plumage of feathers on their heads but males tend to have bigger ones. They have wingfeathers on both their arms and legs, both of which are rather short and but broad. The primaries and secondaries are white with black tips, the primary and secondary coverts are dark green on the outside and pink on the inside. Varvels have three fingers on their primary wings, and four toes on their feet. The forth toe faces backwards, while the third toe can be turned back for better grip. Exposed scales on fingers and toes have grey scales with dark grey scutes. Each toe and finger has a long, curved claw.  

  The tail feathers are round and short and are white with black tips.   They have a hooked beak with tomial teeth and is grey in color, the nose ridge is a lighter grey.   The eyes are large with a deep red sclera and yellow iris. Eyebrows are white and the area around the eyes are black. A few black-tipped feathers adorn the cheeks.

Genetics and Reproduction

Varvels mate for life and both parents build nests and take care of the eggs and chicks. Females can lay up to 3-5 eggs per clutch.  

A varvel egg.

Growth Rate & Stages

Varvels chicks are covered in white downy feathers when young. They molt and leave the nest at about 5 months of age.

Ecology and Habitats

Varvels thrive in dense temperate forests where their green feathers camoflague them against the trees.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Varvels are carnivores and ambush small prey. They may also scavange if the opportunity presents itself.  

Biological Cycle

Varvels tend to stay in the same area all year around. Although their numbers tend to dwindle in the colder months.


Varvels are intelligent and cunning. They will tolerate the precence of other varvels in the area but will not share a tree with anyone besides their mate and chicks. Varvels have the ability to mimic the call of other creatures they encounter and use this as a means of luring in unsuspecting prey.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Varvels have excellent eyesight. While they are mostly diurnal, they have quite good night-vision as well.

Name Origin & Meaning

The name "varvel" comes from the varan words "varo"=happy, and "voel"=bird.
25 - 30 years
Average Weight
2.5 - 5 kg.
Average Length
1.5 - 2 meter wingspan.
Geographic Distribution


  • A male varvel is called a male.
  • A female varvel is called a female
  • A juvenile varvel is called a hatchling or a chick.
  • A group of varvels is called a gathering.
  • The plural of varvel is varvels.

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