Echopticon marquee theaters. Building / Landmark in The Brightbound World of Essiothas | World Anvil
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Echopticon marquee theaters.

  Music, Art, the Theater. A gift of beauty granted by the divine. Places full of merriment and joy. Will you join me?
  These Grand theaters are operantly designed buildings covered in the most extravagant decor. Many are historically significant buildings being the spots were the most influential plays and musical shows were held. The most well known and recent of these shows was done in the Kendriya grand theater in The Sanctum City of Karvend. Where world famous Singer Song writer Ibessis Delozier performed one of her last shows which incorporated her illusions and music, before retiring from the publics eye.  

Activities and the evolution of the Theater.

Traditionally the Grand Theaters would be hosts to live stage shows and musical venues. Normally only the wealthy and well off would be able to attend these shows. Where they would indulge in the consumption of fine wines and alcohol, spiced honeyed wine being the favorited beverage consumed by theater goers. They would also partake in decadent treats the most popular being fairy floss, candied or chocolate covered fruits and nuts along with a huge variety of desserts and sweets. The theaters became more accessible with the embracement of new technologies and the blurring of class and wealth lines, stemming from the industrial renaissance. Two technologies came about around the same time in different parts of the world, the Zoopraxograph and the kinotrope allowing for many cheap shows to be played. The technologies were adopted and incorporated into the Grand theaters stage shows and eventually becoming the main focus point of the shows them selves. Being much more cheaper to organize then live shows performed by living actors and stage performers. These technologies allowed for the hosting of many more shows allowing for the price of admission to go down making the theater more accessible to commoners. Allowing for the adoption of new practices which became standard practice in theaters. In which the wealthy upper class would be hosted during the evening hours where they would partake in all of the fineries awarded to their station, and during the morning, afternoon or later hours the poor and lower classes would be able to enjoy shows with lesser fineries normally expected to bring there own food and drink or purchase cheaper goods the theater made accessible to them. Though all these technologies were replaced by the Echopticon created by Karvend rationalist casters and inventers. Though the technologies had some similarities the Echopticon was made of the best parts and allowed for the expression of real life looking illusions.  

Technology and Effects

The Echopticon or magic lantern to commoners projects scenes or illusion weaves encoded/inscribed onto small crystalline plates. The plates hold a pre programed short scene including both visual and auditory elements. A lesser marionette unit can be used to string together the expressed scenes allowing the transition of scenes to be almost completely unnoticeable. This technology could be installed to replace existing entertainment mechanisms and removes all need for a live band or musical producing machine. Making shows quick and cheap to set up and allowing for more to be played without a loss of quality throughout the days, weeks and months it is played. The Echopticon could be powered by many modern day power sources including small compact chromanufactoms which was standard in the Sanctum City of Karvend. The most well known use of the technology was the encoding of Ibessis Delozier's last shows.


Many theaters architecture was inspired by Neo- romanticism architectural designs mixed with new building methods and technologies. Neo-romanticism emerged in the early years of The Age of Iron Pursuits 392 ADA through the modern day aimed at bringing back the nobility and grandeur to architecture. Inspired by the architecture designs made popular during the age of Divine Awakening 462-979 BDA which key features were height and grandeur, pointed arches, vaulted ceilings, slender columns, adorned windows fitted with stained glass and designed to draw the eye upwards incorporating more decorative elements then previous styles. Modern elements were added including illuminated colorful signs, projected illusions, machines producing music etc. Allowing for the modernization of these historical buildings.

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