Alamani Forest Geographic Location in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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Alamani Forest

The ancestral homeland of the Wood Elves and Troll peoples. Parts of the forest are so dense with trees growing so thick it has also been called "Black Forest" for the low amount of light that actually touches the ground beneath the trees stretching trunks. It was within the woods two great Kingdoms were founded. In the south was founded the Kingdom of Sax by the wood elves who survive to this day living in a republic of nobles. To the north the Trolls founded the Langobardi Kingdom before it's crushing by Valshk the Creeping Black.


The more southern part of the forest is more temperate. The more northern part is more of a jungle zone, the reasons are twofold, first being the Alterac mountains act as a barrier for clouds - the second being the presence of millennium aged ancient black drake within the Alaman forest that is warping the landscape.

Fauna & Flora

The northern part of the forest is inhabited by a variety of enormous reptiles: Lizard people; dinosaurs; giant crocodiles and alike. The south is home to more conventional forest wildlife.

Natural Resources

The wood is a fantastic source of timber, and deep beneath the rich soil and overgrown roots lies a vast reserve of material wealth. The Alamans are one of the few regions of the world known to possess mithril.
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
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