The Alterac Mountains Geographic Location in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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The Alterac Mountains

The Alterac mountains hold a religious position in the faiths of many peoples. Most predominately this is told through the stories of the Dwarves and Giants who share a common ancestry. The mountains were first built by Skoreus - who shaped the first stone giants and Alterac mountains, tearing it from the plane of Earth so he would have companions and a home. It is told Memnor, God of the Heavens built his palace atop the peeks of the Alterac mountains.   In more recent times the Alterac mountains have been a tirelessly bloody region, perpetually locked in war by the Hobgoblins who build strongholds across the mountain side, in service to their lord Ragnarim. They have been in battle with the Dwarves and Giants who also live on and within the mountain for centuries.


The highest peek of the Alterac mountain stands at 25 kilometers above sea level. Water is known to grow throughout the caves.

Fauna & Flora

The inside of the mountain is deceptively bountiful. Though many outsiders may scoff at their cuisine, Dwarves are able to grow a hardy and nutritious fungus underground. A bioluminescent fungus that has been cultivated over the tops of caves in conjunction with a network of terraces allows a bountiful supply of food to be grown.   Boars, mountainous goats and rocs, and a few resilient weeds and trees are only the creatures of note able to survive on the mountain side. Smaller birds and creatures are prey to the dragons and other large predators of the mountain.

Natural Resources

The mountains are home to a vast repertoire of stone common and precious in addition to metals of all forms.
Mountain Range
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