The Duchy of Barovia Organization in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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The Duchy of Barovia

The Duchy of Barovia swore fealty to the Villani Empire centuries ago when its power stood paramount. At the Ascendancy of the Dragons the Duchy began a long period of isolation and proclaimed itself an Archduchy. Since breaking this isolation, Ireena has attempted to begin negotiations with the dwarves of the Alterac mountains and committed to a mission to rebuild the Staff of Kings.


Run by the ruling family of Strahdos, current leader: Ireena Strahdos


Miriam Maria Mary Strahdos. Centuries ago the the Arch Duchess of Barovia was called to honour the ancient covenant to assemble the Staff of Kings and defend the Alamani forest from the forces invading it. Unwilling to sacrifice the citizens of her own realm and believing her majesty and grandeur approached divinity, Strahdos used her magical knowledge to commune and sign a dark covenant protecting the realm against all invaders. The spell worked, Miriam herself and the land was cursed and transformed by the God of Undeath - free from outsiders Miriam’s own soul was the cost of the spell and she was transformed into a vampire queen forced for eternity to feed on her own people for survival, and the people of the land - forever bound to be her victims.

Demography and Population

Approximately 1,400,000 people, the area is 99% human largely in part due to its prolonged isolation. Following opposition by the elves of the region the Archduchess Miriam killed the majority of the elven inhabitants, all of the women, and clipped the ears of the surviving men as a mark of shame.
Arch Duchess
Geopolitical, Archduchy

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