The Fourth Order Organization in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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The Fourth Order

Members of The Fourth Order are typically recruited from the most fanatical zealots of the Church of Bahamos. Followers are strict adherents to the fourth path of Light.   Founded in the aftermath of the prophet Mosif, the fourth order has been a source of peace and misery on those effected by their actions. They are merciless hunters of the undead, demonkind and any entity that seeks to subvert the humanoid races and followers of Bahamos.   A religious and military order, their actions against the elemental god cults was an escalating factor leading to the Villani civil war.

Public Agenda

Cleansing the wicked, to bring the brilliant light of Bahamos to all.   The salvation of humanity


12,000 infantry, 3000 cavalry. 20 warships.
A Torch Knight
Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
The Torch Knights
Torcher, Hell Knight

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