The Great Arcane Universities Organization in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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The Great Arcane Universities

The Imperial College of Mylon.   The Arcane University of Lutetia.   Memnor Enchant

Mythology & Lore

While some of the Arcane universities are mortal in origin, others draw their origins from divine inspiration and other planar entities.   Among the Guulians of the Alsan province, the arcane college began as an archive for their clergy. Over time a distinct divergence between Guulian scholars of the dead and medicine and those of ecclesiastical learning occurred.   In the Alterac Mountains when granted wisdom by the Gods Surtur and Memnor, deities within the Dwarven and Giant faith, they were inspired to create fantastical works of craftsmanship.
Education, Magic
Mage, Magus, Wizard, Witch
Judicial Body
As a rule, the arcane universities are magocracies typically ruled by the most senior and powerful magus. Judicially, the colleges are typically run in a laissez-faire manner with punishment rarely takes on a formal degree beyond expulsion from the college and or a ban from its grounds. To what extent this is enforced varies greatly both on the individual punished and the one decreeing it. Someone who chooses to violate these findings may find themselves lost in a never ending labyrinth, pursued by demons or elementals, or publicly humiliated by some form of geas.

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