Director of Destruction Character in The Bureau | World Anvil
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Director of Destruction

The Director of Destruction is the head of the Department of Destruction (DoD) within His Bureau. He is responsible for leading the department in their mission of physical, unrelenting destruction. He is known for his high energy, results-driven approach to work and is feared within the Bureau for his terrifying presence.   The Director of Destruction is a towering figure, standing at over 30 feet tall. He is a large forest spirit like entity, with an otherworldly appearance. The most striking aspect of his appearance is the destructive flaming lamp he holds in his hand. The fire within the lamp rages and roars, constantly attempting to consume the Director, but he stands tall, pushing back against the flames with his own strength of will. Despite the constant threat of destruction, the Director exudes confidence and determination, always ready to unleash the full extent of his destructive powers on those who dare oppose him.

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