Fallen Angel Armor Item in The Cage | World Anvil
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Fallen Angel Armor

George Wickett dons the Fallen Angel Armor. Appropriate, given his many achievements during his time in the Cage. The armor is interwoven with a magical fabric that prevents him from being seen or sensed by Divine Arts or godly power. The armor also channels his access port into the Power of Destruction, the Mark of Cain.

Manufacturing process

The pieces were all made separately. The coat is made of hide from a Vampire. The shirt and breeches are made of Xanledeshi polyester, woven from the hair of a succubus (Kassandra in particular). The plates on the shoulders and over the chest are made from a titanium steel alloy and the gloves and boots are made from leather, dipped with a titanium weave.


Item type
Owning Organization
30 lbs
About 6x6 feet at longest points
Raw materials & Components
Titanium dipped and studded leather, Xanledeshi polyester, steel plates and hardened wyvern hide
Smith’s forge, leatherworker’s tools, blacksmith’s tools, a weaver and a titanium worker

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