
For the past 3500 years throughout Annyrion, bronze has become the most important material available to mankind. It is used extensively in just about any metalwork that any of the southern Arikandan empires carry out, and even most of the independent tribes and small city-states in the Heartlands and the Wessuth lands use it. Between the elements required for its production, the process of manufacturing it, and the various implements and weapons it is used in, it is perhaps the largest driver of the economies of most of the world.   Bronze was discovered independently throughout various cultures on the planet. It is believed that the Kalriv were the first to discover its use some 3500 years prior. Dissatisfied with the performance of copper implements and weapons, Kalriv tribesmen decided to try adding various other elements to the mixture, and on the addition of tin, discovered this made for a harder, more durable metal. Other sources made the discovery at varying points in their history, with the Tanorites and Avadians being early adapters.   The knowledge of how to produce bronze is just about universal throughout Annyrion. Its availability depends on how close a particular culture is to a source of tin, or alternatively whether they have any trade networks allowing them to access the tin with ease.


Bronze is cast into molds to create various implements; either full implements or pieces which can be attached to other parts. They are commonly used in melee weapons, farming tools and chariotry, and just about anything that requires strong, rigid or sharp elements.


To create bronze, ores of copper and tin must be found. The copper must then be melted down and a mixture of about twelve percent tin mixed in.


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