
Praetors are magistrates in the Council of Mayoka directly appointed by the monarch. They are senior legislative officials and also preside over trials as part of the judiciary.


In theory there are no requirements for a praetor as they are selected by the Archon themselves. In practice, praetors have usually served as tribunes previously and have spent considerable time on the Council.


Praetors are selected and raised by the Archon usually upon the dismissal or death of a previous praetor. They are sworn in at the next Council session by the Archon.


The primary role of praetors is to serve as the judiciary officials, and they are responsible for presiding over trials and interpreting the laws of the Kingdom. They provide guidance and oversight to the Council when legislating new laws or carrying out administrative duties. They also serve as an intermediary between the Archon and the tribunes.


There are no specific benefits that are not granted to existing Council members, however praetors enjoy a great deal of prestige and influence both from the Council and the Archon.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Praetors wear light grey tunics.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Praetors are dismissed at the Archon's pleasure. Normally this is done either by request of the praetor (such as in the case of a wish to retire) or if the Archon deems a change is required, in which case a transition is planned with the Archon and council. An Archon may also immediately remove a praetor in the case of misconduct.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Praetor (Surname)
(ie: Praetor Veluinnis, Praetor Komon)
Source of Authority
Praetors derive their authority directly from their Archon.
Length of Term
Praetors serve at the pleasure of the Archon.
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