The Xiran Tablets

"The Xiran Tablets may seem like simple letters to friends of Katanya Xira, but they provide an insight into the character of the great explorer, the places she visited, and in many ways, what it means to be an Avadian wayfarer."
-a natural philosopher commenting on the Xiran Tablets in their research
  The Xiran Tablets are a collection of three clay tablets written by Avadian explorer Katanya Xira. They are written in the form of letters to correspondents in the Avadian Sovereignty. They are currently kept in the Admiralty Headquarters at Port Avadia.


The Xiran Tablets were written as correspondence from Katanya Xira to specific people. The first letter is addressed to her father, Sevtos of Pera, and was written during the foundation of the colony of Maganti. The second letter is addressed to her friend and trading partner, Klaron of Avadia, and was written during her time in the Free City of Kas.   The third and final letter was written at the end of her life in the Ranata Isles, and is intended as a combination of a description of the Ranata and final words of advice for the Avadian people. The third letter was not intended for immediate publication, and was left with the Ranata people for centuries before a Ranata Traveler delivered it to the City-State of Barkos, who arranged for its delivery to Port Avadia.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The Xiran Tablets are kept in the headquarters of the Avadian Admiralty and cannot be removed from there, but any Sovereignty citizen may request a copy to be made and granted to them, free of charge.

Historical Details


The Xiran Tablets provide a voice to the thoughts, opinions and wishes of the Avadian Sovereignty's greatest folk hero. In addition to laying out who Katanya was, her personality, and the details of some of her journeys, it is also a treatise on a wish for ethical exploration and co-operation of peoples.


The Xiran Tablets are studied extensively by aspiring ship captains, as Xira remains to this day a model Avadian wayfarer. While many follow her words to the letter, there are some more unscrupulous or ambitious peoples who twist or manipulate her words, particularly her opinions on respecting the autonomy of other peoples. Nevertheless, it is considered one of the most important and valuable documents in Avadian history.
Text, Letter


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Jul 24, 2022 15:03 by Lilliana Casper

Good job on this article! Katanya sounds like a great person from her letters. Unfortunately, many people manipulate the words of others and she doesn't seem to be an exception.

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.