Treaty of Helik

The Treaty of Helik is the founding document of the Helikan League. As the name suggests, it was signed in the city of Helik in 331 TE. The document is considered a living document, subject to revisions and the additions of new member cities, and lays out the basic constitution and terms of the Helikan League and how it operates.


The Treaty's purpose is to document and lay out in full the powers and limitations of the Helikan League, its organisational structure and the rights and responsibilities of its member states. It also details recommended military practices, co-operation guidelines and diplomatic primers on the other empires and independent states.

Document Structure


The treaty is split into the following sections;
  • Details on the organisation of the League's government; how the Council of Archons functions and the process for selecting a High Archon
  • The current listing of member states and their territories
  • The current diplomatic relations with the Kalriv Empire
  • The current diplomatic relations with the Avadian Sovereignty
  • Diplomatic relations with independent states outside of the League
  • Obligations in terms of monetary support to the League
  • Obligations in terms of assistance to other member-states in strife (protection from invasion, disaster relief, etc)
  • Standards for military organisation and practice throughout the League

Publication Status

Copies of the current revision of the treaty are  freely available for viewing in each major city-state.

Legal status

The terms of the treaty are binding in every city-state, kingdom and territory held by the organisations who signed the document. In effect, it is binding in most if not all of Tanoron and the southern Sapphire Coast.

Historical Details


The treaty effectively marks the end of division between many city-states and kingdoms in Tanoron and the southern Sapphire Coast and marks the formation of a quasi-empire under the hegemony of the city of Helik. It also identifies the need for mutual co-operation in the face of the expansion of the Kalriv Empire.

Public Reaction

Public opinion on the Treaty of Helik is somewhat divided. In the city-state of Helik itself it has been positively received, as it is seen to bolster the hegemony of the state. In other states, it is seen as a necessary requirement for protection against the Kalriv, but in many cities there are grumblings about the influence Helik has and the effect it may have on their independence.


The treaty's original duration was for fifteen years, but since then has been regularly revised and extended. With the continuing rise of the Kalriv Empire, it's unlikely that the treaty will be discontinued any time soon.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Authoring Date
331 TE
Ratification Date
331 TE
Signatories (Organizations)

Cover image: by Vertixico


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