Beladiri Human Species in The Cantara Player's Compendium | World Anvil

Beladiri Human

Human (Beladiri)

The Beladiri are natives of the open plains, dense forests, and rocky steppe of Aldabaran Island in the center of Cantara. They are a clan based, semi-nomadic people with many towns, villages, and even a moderately sized city in their territory.
ability score increase: Increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.
age: Humans reach adulthood⁠ in their late teens and live less than a century.
Size: Medium
speed: 30
Languages: Common and Beladiri (or a different language of your choice based on your character's backstory)
race features:
The Akatesh: Once during a short or long rest a Beladiri can pray to their Akatesh, seeking guidance and wisdom from their ancestors. Choose a skill, and until your next rest you can choose to roll that skill with advantage one time.
Feat. You gain one Feat of your choice based on your character's backstory.
Beladiri are direct Thelan descendants, and as such have deep tanned skin and dark hair colors. Despite their heritage, their culture has radically changed in the many centuries since the Consequence. They are a clan oriented, spiritual people with a deep connection to the natural world. Beladiri clans are tight knit, supportive, and dedicated to each other. Most Beladiri settlements are small and are the home of a single clan, while elsewhere multiple clans may assemble a town. The city of Tuala Botaar is host to hundreds of clans, and has frequent trade with outsiders. While many clans settle in place, others roam the steppe hunting and gathering for survival. Most Beladiri stay with their clans and never leave their territory, but the business of many Beladiri traders, wanderers, knacks, and keepers of the wild take them far and wide.
The Beladiri believe in a spiritual religion called the Akatesh. While Beladiri do recognize and even revere some of the patron spirits of the world, they do not believe in their worship and instead turn towards the guidance of their ancestors. Each clan holds its own pantheon of ancestral spirits, members of the clan who were significant figures in their lives and history. The place of a spirit in the Akatesh is never permanent, as new spirits take their place and the old are allowed to rest.
Beladiri Names: Tathik, Yoro, Omec, Iri, Makor, Maridi,Apesh, Tema, Tolos, Kalimek, Kimmo, Teho
Beladiri Clan Names: Inuepe, Pashtun, Wakeda,Waktunwali, Lokelani, Anewa, Eskolani