Calendar in The Cantara Player's Compendium | World Anvil


The Universal Thelan Calendar (UTC) was established 1262 years ago.    The World (Dyalla) is the 4th major moon of a swirling blue-white gas giant called Tyr. One year is marked by a single orbit of Tyr around its star Helias, and a month is marked by a single orbit of the World around Tyr.
The World’s orbit around Tyr, as well as the orbits of its neighbors lead to dynamic and often unpredictable weather conditions. Roughly once a month, there’s a week of cooler conditions and a week of warmer conditions as the World orbits Tyr. There are also two points in the year where Tyr eclipses the Sun for about two days, known as the Spring and Autumn Penumbra. Roughly once a week, Lyra - the next largest moon - passes, causing increased tidal activity and regular storms.
  • One Year: 360 days, 12 months
  • One Month: 30 Days, 5 weeks
  • One Week: 6 days
Months of the Year
  • Weeping
  • Blooming
  • Sowing
  • Grazing
  • Toil
  • Summit
  • Harvest
  • Shedding
  • Melancholy
  • Dwindling
  • Fasting
  • Twilight
Days of the Week
  • Lyraday
  • Tyrsday
  • Orinsday
  • Thalsday
  • Arrasday
  • Sunday