Dwarf in The Cantara Player's Compendium | World Anvil


The legacy of dwarves is in the foundations of our greatest cities, the towers of our mightiest castles, and the steel of our keenest blades. To not attribute to them the survival of civilization would be the greatest disservice.
  Dwarves are creatures of the earth, as solid as it's stone and as enduring as its peaks. They are often called stubborn, but with roots as deep as theirs, unrelenting is likely the more accurate term. Wherever they go or whatever their calling, they burn bright and hot and leave their mark on the world.
The culture of dwarves is built upon three great pillars; industry, community, and tradition.
Industry: It is in a dwarf's nature to create, innovate, and strive for greatness. There isn't a trade or craft in the world that they won't excel in. Don't be fooled by their brash, unrefined demeaner, for they are the ones behind the most elegant and subtle creations in this world.
Community: What is the purpose of creation with noone to share it with? For dwarves, it is for their clans that they toil so endlessly. The care and effort they put into fostering their communities rivals their smiths in the forge. Even when they do not live among their people, dwarves sow deep roots and cultivate strong bonds with their neighbors.
Tradition: Without fuel, the brightest flames dwindle to embers and are snuffed out. Dwarves may be a driving force of innovation, but they believe more than any that tradition ensures the survival of great things. Too much has been lost that can never be replaced, and it is a dwarf's responsibility to uphold centuries of community, creation, and knowledge.

You might...

  • Strive to uphold your personal honor and refuse to back down.
  • Appreciate quality craftmanship in all forms and insist upon it for all your gear.

Others probably

  • See you as stubborn, though whether this is an asset or a detriment changes from moment to moment.
  • Recognize the deep connection you have with your family, heritage, and friends.

Physical Description

Dwarves are short and stocky, standing about a foot shorter than most humans. They have wide, compact bodies and burly frames. Dwarves of any gender are hairy creatures capable of growing great beards, and how they choose to express themselves with that hair is a deeply personal matter. Male dwarves almost without exception wear long, robust beards. These beards have great cultural signifigance to dwarves and are a prized part of their identity. Female dwarves tend not to keep beards, instead, their head hair grows just as fiercely and is traditionally kept long and treated similarily to men's beards. Despite these traditions though, there is a broad spectrum of self-expression that is embraced by dwarves.
Dwarves typically reach physical adulthood around the age of 25 and can live to around 350 years old.

Dwarves of Cantara

There are three ethnicities of dwarves in Cantara: the populous and wide spread Silver Dwarves, the Skaldik-dwelling Frost Dwarves, and the Tunnel Dwarves of the deep. When choosing a dwarven heritage, some of the options can apply to whicher of these varieties of dwarf you choose to create.  

Frost Dwarves

Born of stout granite and punishing cold, Frost Dwarves match their homeland and namesake in boldness, temperence, and tenacity. These dwarves are like the salty waves that crash upon Skalda's stone, the wolves that endure the sprawling tundra, and the burning fires that warm their halls. They shun frivolities and cherish simple treasures. To a Frost Dwarf a stout ale and a companion are the purest gold. Just like their human neighbors, Skaldik dwarves are warriors at heart. Where other dwarves seek pride in craft and industry, these find it in battle and bloodshed. Whether it be fisticuffs or warfare, win or lose, there is no greater glory than a well fought fight.
Frost dwarves have pale, rosy complexions often spotted with freckles, with eyes of green, blue, or gold. They tend to have two-toned hair, a streaking pair of red, blonde, or brown.

Silver Dwarves

Silver Dwarves come from the remnants of old Thela; their ancestors were responsible for building the great structures and cities that still stand today as a testiment to their prowess. Now they are spread across the isles, striving for greatness in whatever craft they dedicate themselves to. Many still reside in the great halls within the Malogna Mountains and Barrier Peaks, others thrive in the city-states as artisans and engineers, while some clans have taken to the seas as enterprising merchants. These dwarves are most populous in ancient Dhom Kholdur and its sister city Tyr, but there isn't a city in the central isles that doesn't have a sizeable dwarven community.
Silver Dwarves come in all shades, but are most often born with a bronze complexion. They have metallic colored eyes of gold, silver, copper, or steel blue. Their hair comes in many colors and often features gold or silver streaks.

Tunnel Dwarves

The enigmatic tunnel dwarves come from ancient clans that delved deeper and deeper into the earth and never resurfaced. They have carved out homes isolated from the seas and the sky, and have been forever changed by millenia of adapting to their dark tunnels and monstrous neighbors. Tunnel dwarves zealously cling to tradition and religion even more so than other dwarves, believing that it is what allows them to survive and thrive in the inhospitable cracks of the world. More recently, tunnel dwarves have begun to emerge, whether from "sun-siders" exploring deeper into their domains or from them being displaced by greater dangers.
Tunnel dwarves tend to have grey skin, whether pale or darker ash in hue. They have metallic colored eyes of gold, silver, copper, or steel blue. They have two-toned hair, usually a striking mix of either black, white, or silver.


Dwarves of Cantara follow their ancient god Brightrock and their disciples, who's example they strive to live up to. They believe that like any creation, they are born as raw material and through the forge of life formed into a finished piece. It's only through your accomplishments and tribulations that you become who you are.
The fire of Brightrock may burn strong, but many dwarves also have a deep spiritual side. Most notably they tend to associate with spirits of creation like Thal and Illyo, spirits of the earth like Dyalla, or spirits of trade, order, and community like Orin.
Popular Edicts create art with utility, guard your community against those who would harm it, keep your clan dagger close
Popular Anathema leave an activity or promise uncompleted, forsake your family or friends

Ancestry Feats

1st Level

Dwarven Doughtiness - Feat 1

You are naturally calm and collected in the face of imminent danger. At the end of your turn, reduce your frightened condition by 2 instead of 1.
Dwarven Lore - Feat 1

You eagerly absorbed the old stories and traditions of your ancestors, your gods, and your people, studying subjects and techniques passed down for generation upon generation. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Crafting and Religion. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also gain the Additional Lore general feat for Dwarf Lore.
Dwarven Weapon Familiarity - Feat 1

Your kin have instilled in you an affinity for hard-hitting weapons, and you prefer these to more elegant arms. You gain access to all uncommon weapons with the dwarf trait. You have familiarity with weapons with the dwarf trait plus the battle axe, pick, and warhammer—for the purposes of proficiency, you treat any of these that are martial weapons as simple weapons and any that are advanced weapons as martial weapons.

At 5th level, whenever you get a critical hit with one of these weapons, you get its critical specialization effect.
Mountain Strategy - Feat 1

Dwarves have a long history fighting common foes, and you've mastered the ancient tactics to better face these enemies. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to damage with weapons and unarmed attacks against creatures with the giant, goblin, hryngar, or orc trait. If your attack would deal more than one weapon die of damage (as is common at higher levels than 1st), the bonus is equal to the number of weapon dice or unarmed attack dice.

In addition, if any creature critically succeeds at an attack against you and deals damage to you, you gain your bonus to damage against that creature for 1 minute regardless of whether it has the chosen trait.

Special Your GM can add appropriate creature traits to the ancestral foes list if your character is from a community that commonly fights other types of enemies.
Rock Runner - Feat 1

Your innate connection to stone makes you adept at moving across uneven surfaces. You can ignore difficult terrain caused by stone (such as rubble or gravel) and uneven ground made of stone and earth. In addition, when you use the Acrobatics skill to Balance on narrow surfaces or uneven ground made of stone or earth, you aren't off-guard, and when you roll a success at one of these Acrobatics checks, you get a critical success instead.

Rock Runner leads to...
Boulder Roll
Stonemason's Eye - Feat 1

You understand the intricacies of stonework. You become trained in Crafting. If you're already trained in Crafting, you instead gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat for stonemasonry.

You also gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to notice unusual stonework. This bonus applies to checks to discover mechanical traps made of stone or hidden within stone.

If you aren't using the Seek action or searching, the GM automatically rolls a secret check for you to notice unusual stonework anyway. This check doesn't gain your normal circumstance bonus.
Unburdened Iron - Feat 1

You've learned techniques first devised by your ancestors during their ancient wars, allowing you to comfortably wear massive suits of armor. Ignore the reduction to your Speed from any armor you wear.

In addition, any time you're taking a penalty to your Speed for some other reason (such as from the encumbered condition or from a spell), deduct 5 feet from the penalty. For example, the encumbered condition normally gives a –10-foot penalty to Speed, but this feat would reduce it to a –5-foot penalty. If your Speed is taking multiple penalties, pick only one penalty to reduce.

5th Level

Boulder Roll - Feat 5

Prerequisites Rock Runner

Your dwarven build allows you to push foes around, just like a mighty boulder tumbles through a subterranean cavern. Take a Step into the square of a foe that is your size or smaller, and the foe must move into the empty space directly behind it. The foe must move even if doing so places it in harm's way. The foe can attempt a Fortitude saving throw against your Athletics DC to block your Step. If the foe attempts this saving throw, it takes bludgeoning damage equal to your level plus your Strength modifier unless it critically succeeds.

If the foe can't move into an empty space (if it is surrounded by solid objects or other creatures, for example), your Boulder Roll has no effect.
Defy the Darkness - Feat 5

Prerequisites darkvision

Using ancient dwarven methods developed to fight enemies wielding magical darkness, you've honed your darkvision and sworn not to use such magic yourself. You gain greater darkvision, enabling you to see through magical darkness even if it normally hampers darkvision (such as the darkness created by a 4th-rank darkness spell). You can't cast spells with the darkness trait, use item activations with the darkness trait, or use any other ability with the darkness trait.
Dwarven Reinforcement - Feat 5

Prerequisites Expert in Crafting

You can use your knowledge of engineering and metalwork to temporarily strengthen thick objects and structures. By spending 1 hour working on an item, you can give it a +1 circumstance bonus to its Hardness for 24 hours. If you're a master in Crafting, the bonus is +2, and if you're legendary, the bonus is +3. You can reinforce a portion of a structure, though 1 hour usually reinforces only a door, a few windows, or another section that fits within a 10-foot cube.

9th Level

Echoes in Stone - Feat 9

Requirements You are standing on a stone or earthen surface

You pause a moment to attune your senses to the stone around you. Until the start of your next turn, you gain imprecise tremorsense with a range of 20 feet.
Mountain's Stoutness - Feat 9

Your hardiness lets you withstand more punishment than most. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. When you have the dying condition, the DC of your recovery checks is equal to 9 + your dying value (instead of 10 + your dying value).

If you also have the Toughness feat, the Hit Points gained from it and this feat are cumulative, and the DC of your recovery checks is equal to 6 + your dying value.
Stone Bones - Feat 9

Trigger You are struck by a critical hit that deals physical damage

Your intractable nature can help you shrug off even the most grievous injuries. Attempt a DC 17 flat check. If you are successful, the attack becomes a normal hit.
Stonewalker - Feat 9

You have a deep reverence for and connection to stone. You can cast one with stone as a 3rd-rank divine innate spell once per day.

If you have the Stonemason's Eye feat, you can attempt to find unusual stonework and stonework traps that require legendary proficiency in Perception.

If you have both Stonemason's Eye and legendary proficiency in Perception, when the GM rolls a secret check for you to notice unusual stonework, you keep your bonus from Stonemason's Eye.

Stonewalker leads to...

13th Level

March the Mines - Feat 13

You march through the earth and lead an ally along. You gain a burrow Speed of 15 feet when you use this activity (if you don't have a higher one), and then you either Stride twice or Burrow twice. You can choose one willing ally adjacent to you at the start of your movement to move with you. That ally ends its movement one square behind you.
Telluric Power - Feat 13

You channel strength from the earth beneath your feet to pummel your enemies. When making a melee Strike against a target who is standing on the same earth or stone surface as you are, you gain a circumstance bonus to the damage roll equal to the number of weapon damage dice.

17th Level

Stonegate - Feat 17

Prerequisites Stonewalker

Earthen barriers no longer impede your progress. You gain magic passage as a 7th-rank divine innate spell that you can cast once per day. Unlike the spell, however, this ability can be used only to open passages through barriers of earth or stone.
Stonewall - Feat 17

Frequency once per day
Trigger An enemy or hazard's effect hits you or you fail a Fortitude save against one

The strength of stone overcomes you so strongly that it replaces your stout body. You become petrified until the end of the current turn. You don't take any damage from the triggering effect or any other ill effects that couldn't affect stone.

Dwarf Mechanics

Hit Points






Attribute Boosts





Attribute Flaw





Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).







You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.  

Clan Dagger

You get one clan dagger for free, as it was given to you at birth. Selling this clan dagger is a terrible taboo and earns you the disdain of other dwarves.


Ancient-Blooded Dwarf

Dwarven heroes of old could shrug off their enemies' magic, and some of that resistance manifests in you. You gain the Call on Ancient Blood reaction.  

Call on Ancient Blood

TriggerYou attempt a saving throw against a magical effect, but you haven't rolled yet.
Effect You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws on the triggering save and other saves against magical effects until the end of this turn.


Death Warden Dwarf

Some clans are tomb guardians, followers of Dumathoin responsible for protecting the dead. These traditions have prepared you to ward off death. If you roll a success on a saving throw against an effect that has the void trait or was created by an undead creature, you get a critical success instead.  

Frost Dwarf

You dwell in the frozen Skaldik tundra and have gained incredible resilience against cold environments, granting you cold resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1). You treat environmental cold effects as if they were one step less extreme (incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on).  

Mountain Dwarf

Your ancestors lived and worked among the ancient stones of the mountains or the depths of the earth. This makes you solid as a rock when you plant your feet. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude or Reflex DC against attempts to Reposition, Shove, or Trip you. This bonus also applies to saving throws against spells or effects that attempt to force you to move or knock you prone. In addition, if any effect would force you to move 10 feet or more, you are moved only half the distance.  

Strong-Blooded Dwarf

Your blood runs hearty and strong, and you can shake off toxins. You gain poison resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1), and each of your successful saving throws against a poison affliction reduces its stage by 2, or by 1 for a virulent poison. Each critical success against an ongoing poison reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 for a virulent poison.