Skaldik Human Species in The Cantara Player's Compendium | World Anvil

Skaldik Human

Human (Skaldik)

Skaldik people are native to the frigid, rocky, unforgiving islands on the south end of Cantara. They hail from one of the many Skaldik Kingdoms, whether it be the main port cities of Baedre or Furlo’s point, or the small farming and fishing villages that spread across the land.
The Skaldik are said to have Goliath’s blood in them, as it is rare to find one that is less than 6 feet tall. They have pale skin and anything from blonde, red, to brown hair. Skaldik people live difficult lives making a living in less hospitable lands, but they are proud and strong and respect these traits in others. They are fast to violence, but equally fast to merriment.
ability score increase: Increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.
age: Humans reach adulthood⁠ in their late teens and live less than a century.
Size: Medium
speed: 30
Languages: Common and Skaldik (or a different language of your choice based on your character's backstory)
race features:
Skaldik Born: You have advantage on Saving Throws against the cold, and you have Resistance against cold damage.
Feat. You gain one Feat of your choice based on your character's backstory.