Thelan Human Species in The Cantara Player's Compendium | World Anvil

Thelan Human

Human (Thelan)

Noble, driven, and venturous, Thelans are the product of centuries of persistent survivors and bold voyagers who clawed back civilization in the wake of the Consequence. In the great city-states and wide countrysides of central Cantara, these people create lives for themselves and build an affinity for their homes and communities, hard-won in the face of adversity and the dangers of the wild frontier. To be Thelan isn't to be descended from the blood of old Thela, but is to inhabit and reclaim the world they left behind.   As a Thelan, you have been exposed to a wide range of experience, people, and dangers that have taught you much.
ability score increase: Increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.
age: Humans reach adulthood⁠ in their late teens and live less than a century.
Size: Medium
speed: 30
Languages: Common and one other language of your choice based on your character's backstory
race features:
Cantaran Versatility: You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
Feat. You gain one Feat of your choice based on your character's backstory.

In Cantara

Thelans are the most common Humans found on the Cantara Isles, as well as the most diverse. Much of their heritage comes from the survivors of the Consequence, but just as much comes from the explorers, travellers and pilgrims who came to Cantara long after the fact. Their diversity in culture, disposition, and appearance makes them perhaps the greatest image of the Cantaran melting pot, a fact they eagerly and proudly embrace as a part of their identity.
Thelans are often seen as very metropolitan folk, thanks to the cities of Freshport, Tyr, Callista, Arna Del Mor, and the Thelan Twins, but just as many Thelans are frontier-folk of the countless farming communities, seaside towns, and way-stops at the edge of civilization. The merchants, aristocrats, and nobles among them give Thelans a reputation of being haughty and prideful, but they are truly Cantaran to the bone.


Thelans are just as diverse physically as they are culturally; when creating a Thelan don't be afraid to take advantage of their motley nature.
Most Thelans have deep tanned skin ranging from honey to bronze, with brown, black, and red hair. Those with more varied bloodlines might have those traits shown in their appearance, such as black skin or sandy hair. Many Thelans also have some amount of elvish blood, particularily those whose ancestors survived the Consequence. This may appear in taller ears or a more slender build.


Given Names: Astrith, Alcott, Rodik, Halpert, Nim, Leya, Esmerelda, Ammalia, Lymeria, Kalani, Mauro, Irlanato, Ihmun, Velah, Renato, Iris, Victoro, Axenia, Ina, Balan, Catarina, Timea, Amir, Silas, Oberyn, Norril, Kiren, Isla, Sofia, Alisha, Owen, Tristen, Iestyn, Booth, Stelios, Yennan, Basil, Brooke, Glen, Archer, Brier, Pellos, Illyo, Juniper, Fen, Reef, Amethyst, Ash, Orin, Fena, Lyra
Surnames: Cant, Ro, Crane, Alondo, Iphinoe, Korova, Hadris, Zael, Clanancia, Sezan, Teracian, Trenico, Acostes, Egrana, Castalana, Viyallo, Hava, Arano, Lucio, Norma, Amote, Ophylla, Minola, La Dama, Issix, Allo-Rul
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