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Ol' Smoky

Captain David Hearst (a.k.a. Ol' Smoky)

Ol' Smokey is the eldest Pirate known to this day, and is the father of Young Smokey. He is a cranky old man with a knack for treasure hunting, sailing, and all things related to the sea.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ol' Smokey has lived an unnaturally long life, onset primarily by what many believe is to be a curse that somehow affects him. This is all lies according to Ol' Smokey, but his appearance does not lie. He is a heavily aged man with a large beard and fat stomach from many years of pillaging and drinking. Despite this, he is somehow a nimble and quick swordfighter and much prefers the old ways of swordfighting.    One of his arms is missing, and in place is a peg, which he will often attach a sword or a hook to depending on the circumstance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ol' Smoky was born as David Hearst, son to a seafaring man in Wales, and served for the British Royal Navy from the age of twelve as a deck boy. Born to a poor family in Wales, Ol' Smokey's father brought him onto the boat to make a working man's wage so he could feed his family. He would sail for fifteen more years all around England and regularly assisted in shipping trips to the New World.   Weighed down by his family's pressure to bring money home, Ol' Smoky sailed from Wales to the Caribbean as one of the first deployed Navy Sailors tasked with defending Port Royal. It was here he met Captain William "Bill" Mason and the pair fantasized about starting a new life in the Caribbean. As privateering became popular in the New World, Mason and Ol' Smoky (Smoky was several years his senior) went into business together on the same buccaneering crew. When The Adonia was sacked by Mason and Hearst, Mason claimed captainship over Ol' Smoky and declared that the Adonia would be his new ship. Ol' Smoky, the senior sailor on their ragtag sloop, was offended, his pride struck. He cursed Mason's name, and the two became bitter rivals.   Ol' Smoky and Captain William Mason would both become notorious pirates, part of what was believed to be "the untouchables" in the Pirate World. Rather than take their rivalry into direct combat (both believed fiercely in the right to freedom of pirates) the rivalry between the two would be played out in terms of treasure hunts and captures on Spanish Ships, of which Mason won- shoving his rivalry with Ol' Smoky out of the limelight. It was forgotten by most pirates save Ol' Smoky and his son.   Ol' Smoky captained his own ship, The Armed Monkey fiercely in his heyday, and the ship stands as a tattered, battle-hardened testament to his skill as a naval officer and pirate. It is said that old David Hearst knows the seas better than anyone.   At some point in his career, Ol' Smoky, much like his rival, became involved in the foundation of The Brethren Court. It is unclear if he is still in the court, however, as its history is mysterious and unknown.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ol' Smoky's accomplishments are mostly naval, but number many:  
  • Sinking of 24 total Spanish Galleons and collection of all their treasure
  • Heading of a fleet of six ships- three galleons and three sloops
  • Sailed through the world's most dangerous monsoon to date unscathed
  • Said never to have crashed or beached his ship, The Armed Monkey in his many years of piracy
  • Is the fastest sailor (in terms of steering) on the Seven Seas
  • Can predict water and weather patterns somehow days in advance.
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 12th
Light Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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