Cassius Vex

Physical Description

  • Skin: Black, flawless.
  • Hair: Voluminous red mane, always perfectly styled.
  • Horns: Long, curled, intricately carved with runes, and studded with gems. (P: Magic horns, for sure)
  • Attire: Always dresses in the most stylish and expensive clothes, favoring dark colors with rich accents. (JS: Settle down, Tricksie...)

Roles & Rumors

  • One of the MAU's post popular instructors
  • Social debutante and playboy extraordinaire (P: Tricksie's greatest wish is to be invited to one of his parties...) (T: Stop it.)
  • Delivers advanced lectures at the MAU, focusing on psionic magic—invitation only!
  • Considers himself a businessman, supposedly manages the MAU's finances (using a large, complex web of accountants...)
  • Believed to be a formidable and sometimes brutal interrogator within the MAU. (T: He can interrogate me anytime...) (T: This wasn't me. STOP IT.)

Frequented Locations

  • Illusio Auditorium and Sovereign Hall: Where he conducts his exclusive classes, or mingles with his elite contacts.
  • "Second Circle": Vex's personal yacht, known for mysterious and exclusive gatherings.
  • Gull's Call: Several contacts have seen him in less than reputable areas of Gull's Call, looking like he's on a mission. (JS: Who's he meeting with? Where's he going? Need to look into this...)

Behavioral Notes

  • Uses his charm and psionic abilities to manipulate those around him for personal gain.
  • Highly elitist, only associates with individuals he deems as the 'best.' (P: Everyone who hangs around him is an asshole.)
  • Known for his disdain for those he considers beneath him, using them as pawns in his schemes.
  • Hosts frequent, exclusive events to solidify his social status among Anhklpork's elite.

Known Associates

  • Alistair Blodgett: Rich son of a rich (and dead) Anhklpork business mogul. Rumored to be Vex's financial backer, also an amateur mage obsessed with fire magic. Seems like a bit of a nut. Hard to tell whether he's worshiping or competing with Vex most of the time.
  • Lavinia "Vinny" Merrow: Vex's 'agent,' public image manager and close confidante. (P: Rumour has it she uses illicit potions to maintain youthful appearance—she actually worked for the Blodgett family previously, and is over a century old!)

Questionable Activities

  • Allegedly uses magical charms to bolster his popularity and influence. (V: Not just bolster. CREATE. He's nothing without his magic, just another loser.)
  • Suspected of having connections to the Infernal plane, which he keeps a closely guarded secret. (V: Stumbleduck would NOT like this).
  • Supposedly has slipped up a few times at parties, and admitted his desire for exclusive leadership over the MAU (JS: Imagine what a coup would do to the MAU... could be good or bad).
  • Source says he has a magical ring that is actually the source of his psionic powers?
Honorary & Occupational Titles
MAU Council Member, Master of Psionics and Psychology
Late 40s, but who's counting?
Current Residence
Beachfront mansion in the Rune Quarter
Gloriously red and fabulously coiffed

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