
Darius originally set out to be an actor. However after years of study at the Academy of the Performing Arts (in Middlebridge), he found the life of an actor wanting: travelling endlessly to perform in bit parts, living like a student, staying in the cheapest rooms at the inn, ever waiting for that big break to find him – which of course never would. Tired of waiting for his luck to change, he decided to put his talents to use to speed the process up a little – and so turned to a life of crime.   Sneaky, light-fingered and persuasive, Darius took to using his charms and guile to worm his way into higher society, where he would pilfer whatever took his eye and sell it on from the back of his horse cart. He quickly gained the attention of The Roaches – a criminal syndicate that has a hold on much of the illicit business in the city - and he became indentured to them since he was effectively operating on their turf. Whilst he will work for them when requested, he’s terrified of them (I mean, they’re hardened thugs, murderers and assassins - he’s a different class of criminal altogether) and tries to avoid having to associate with them at all. They may come to him with particular jobs or a load of goods they want him to fence for them.   Darius maintains a façade of eloquence and spends much of his time shifting his illicit goods from the back of his cart, working his way into the confidence of some noble he’s yet to rob or living a vivacious, hedonistic lifestyle full of excess and debauchery. He’s extravagant, exuberant and foppish. He also can be emotionally intense and impulsive, quite often feeling compelled to steal something that just catches his attention, even when there’s no plan in place.   Game notes:
  • Darius's cover identity at the Temple of the Sun was Uhan Qatabi, a Pharo  dealer at the casino. He worked closely with Adan alTaa, who considered Uhan a friend.
  • 34 year old male satyr eloquence bard (5’ 7”, 166lbs (a bit “cuddly”))