Firenewts of Nusif

The firenewts of Nusif are a collection of firenewt tribes who live in the vast deserts south of Haffa on Nusif.  
    Individual firenewt tribes tend to keep to themselves, and subsist by raiding and looting mining caravans traveling between Haffa and the copper and electrum mines further into the Nusif wastelands, or the small semi-permanent desert settlements that dot Nusif's surface.   Many of Nusif's firenewt tribes make use of Giant Striders as mounts for fast travel and warfare.   Firenewts in general have affiliation with and in some cases access to the elemental plane of fire, and occasionally enlist (voluntarily or not) the services of elemental beings from that plane.  

Notable Encounters

  • On 20 Jundall 657, an army of firenewts, seemingly members of numerous tribes, took advantage of a massive sandstorm and invasion by unknown forces to raid and loot the city of Haffa.
Geopolitical, Tribe

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