Liora Starborne

Physical Description

  • Eyes: Haunting white, piercing.
  • Hair: Long, wavy blonde hair that seems to shimmer with a light of its own. (T: Yawn.)
  • Attire: Always in simple, white flowing robes accompanied by a modest gold tiara.  (T: Basic bitch.)
  • Features: Liora is NEVER seen without her "choir," a group of six women who dress like her and look like her, and follow her around constantly. (P: Never heard 'em sing though...)

Roles & Rumors

  • Liason between the MAU and religious organizations (churches, temples, etc.) within Anhklpork and probably beyond
  • Claims to be a diviner and able to predict the future, uses this ability to guide the MAU (and tries to use it to guide everybody else)
  • A group known as the "Starborn" have gained a lot of members and influence in Anhklpork since Liora joined the council; she claims no control or influence on them; they all but worship her. (JS: It's a cult, plain and simple.)

Frequented Locations

  • Streets of Anhklpork: Often seen visiting temples and shrines in less affluent areas, especially well-known and liked in the Lattice and Gull's Call.
  • Sovereign Hall and The Fount: Regularly makes appearances there, motivational speeches and the like. (T: She motivates me to barf.)
  • Sunspire Heights: Public speeches, well attended by the Starborn. 

Behavioral Notes

  • Uses her position to influence the city's religious and spiritual life significantly
  • Uses divination to manipulate outcomes and people, under the guise of spiritual guidance (P: If it's even real...)
  • Does nothing to quell the belief in her divinity and prophetic abilities (T: Please... I bet she actively encourages them)
  • Claims to have visions of the future that are too sacred or dangerous to reveal until the right moment (P: Keep everybody guessing; it's good business.)

Known Associates

  • Liora's Choir: Six look-alikes who never leave her side. (P: Here's a question; is Liora the real Liora? Or is she one of the Choir and 'Liora' is a fake?) (H: Maybe they switch around all the time?) (P: Or maybe there is no Liora...)
  • Isolde Larabee: Apprentice and public representative. Alleged to have been exiled from the feywild under mysterious circumstances. Known to spend a LOT of time 'astral projecting', often in public, like she can't stop herself. (P: While I was on campus, I heard an interesting rumored that Isolde is the actual source of prophecies attributed to Liora, but that Liora has something on her that keeps her quiet...)

Questionable Activities

  • Openly critical of Cassius Vex, encouraging speculation about their rivalry; criticizes him openly during public events
  • We've noticed a recent increase in ministers within the High Pork Diet who have ties to the Starborn, as well as some increased political leanings among the Starborn in Anhklpork (T: Is this for real?) (JS: I have a contact among the Starborn who I trust)
  • (JV: I heard a story that Liora's ability to astral project has led her to discover an ancient, hidden city. However, these are likely exaggerated tales spun by her followers to enhance her mystique.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
MAU Council, MAU Holy Liaison (unofficial)
Current Residence
Unknown, possible apartments in Zephyr Halls
Haunting white
Unfairly blonde and beautiful

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