
Mardo does not know his parents. He knows only what Branan told him most likely happened — that in the days when he was born, the human armies of the Kingdom of Mareth  warred against the orcs and enslaved them when possible, and so Mardo's orc mother found a way to leave him at the edge of the Weeping Forest as a Marethite army passed on its way north to the Tainted Peaks, surely at the cost of her life when her deed was discovered.   Branan, watching the army's progress, took the swaddled Mardo into the woods before he could be found by a Marethite soldier and raised him among the druids of the Circle of the Moon who protected and tended to the Weeping Forest.   Fifteen months ago, Marethite sorcerer-assassins killed nearly all the druids of the Weeping Forest circle, retaliation for the druids' efforts to prevent the logging of and settlements in and by the woods. Branan helped Mardo escape and charged him with one day reclaiming the Weeping Forest — and with bringing vengeance upon the sorcerer-assassins and the Kingdom of Mareth.   He also was told to seek Gormol Wolfstrider, an ancient druid believed last to inhabit the fabled Meadow of Unending Spring, who would guide Mardo's further training. Mardo is attempting to learn where the Meadow of Unending Spring is actually located.   Game notes:
  • Mardo's cover identity at the Temple of the Sun was Ahdys Khani, a custodian. He worked for the chief custodian at the Casino, another half-orc named Ghaki Ghar.
  • Half-orc Circle of the Moon Druid