
(a.k.a. The Windlash)

Physical Description

  • Hair: Short, white hair dyed black with a distinctive stripe.
  • Skin: Pale blue, typical of her air genasi heritage.
  • Eyes: Dark black, piercing and observant.
  • Attire: Enjoys dressing like a pirate, complete with a magic saber always at her side.

Roles & Rumors

  • Nimira has her hands in everything, including managing external trade to and from the MAU, running public relations, overseeing junior MAU recruit activities, and even claims to be a master of astronomy
  • The only MAU member who isn't from Anhklpork; claims to have been a famous pirate elsewhere on Hearth before retiring and moving here (T: She's such a poser)
  • Expert in weather magic, and on its subtle use to enhance her experience and abilities (P: You can always tell she's nearby because the wind picks up and you can almost hear the sea shanty)
  • Also claims great prowess in combat, often challenging people to 'friendly' duels for the purposes of showing off

Frequented Locations

  • MAU Campus: Often randomly shows up in classes and lectures in Sovereign Hall or Four Elements College, disrupting the class to tell stories about her past, or take over the podium believing she knows more about the subject than the original speaker (P: Honestly, it was usually pretty entertaining when she showed up)
  • The Canopies: Claims to enjoy 'roughing it in the wilds' like in the 'old days,' camping for alone for days, deep within the Canopy Woods (P: Of course, she's never more than an hour or two away from a luxury beachfront resort...)

Behavioral Notes

  • Nimira presents a friendly, outgoing facade, but is known to harbour deep and vengeful grudges for even the slightest perceived offense (P: If by 'grudge' you mean 'murderous rage'; she's known to have killed a dozen or more people in duels, and rumour has it she frequently uses MAU funds and influence to ruin the lives of those who wrong her) (H: I heard she'll stab you if you pronounce her name wrong - note to self, it's NIH-muh-ra, not ni-MIR-ah)
  • Enthusiastic about ensuring everyone likes her, especially other council members, to whom she shows surprising deference (P: She's a huge suck-up, especially to old Stumbleduck)
  • Easily underestimated, but she really is an extremely powerful weather witch

Known Associates

  • Flinch: Nimira's longtime Kenku assistant. Rumored shapeshifter, expert mimic, known equally for his kleptomania and skill in espionage. (T: After hearing about this guy, I'm paranoid of every crow in the city...)

Questionable Activities

  • Uses MAU resources liberally to undermine rivals, often causing collateral damage to MAU property and reputation. (P: Several of my coworkers at the MAU claimed to have been assigned 'Windlash Duty;' basically, cleaning up after she raged out and made a mess of something, or somebody)
  • Lots of speculation that Nimira's past as a pirate is fabricated, including that she may be a spy planted by an enemy of the MAU to sow discord. (JS: This is completely unsubstantiated... where did we hear this again?)
  • Claims that the perpetually pleasant weather in Anhklpork is due to her influence, a statement likely exaggerated to bolster her reputation. (JS: This lady really does do everything, doesn't she?)
  • Supposedly she gave herself the nickname "The Windlash" (T: So lame...)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
MAU Council Member, Jack-of-all-Trades
Unknown, deceptively youthful
Current Residence
Luxury apartment in the Rune Quarter
Dark black and piercing
Black and white

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