Pyntle Bafflestone

(a.k.a. Old Stumbleduck)

Physical Description

  • Eyes: Brown. Always judging.
  • Hair: Grey, meticulously kept in two braids.
  • Height: 3'1".
  • Attire: Constantly in pristine green and gold robes. Probably enchanted to keep dirt-free.
  • Features: False leg, rumoured to be magical.
  • Accessory: Her trusty cane, topped with a suspiciously large green gem. Some say it's a key to hidden MAU vaults? (Needs verification)

Roles & Rumors

  • Basically runs the MAU (although not officially).
  • Regularly manipulates the strings of power within the High Pork Diet. (P: Just how deep does her influence go...)
  • For sure controls the 'Gardeners,' a network of spies for the MAU. They're everywhere, watching... (JS: I'm honestly not convinced these guys exist.) (P: Trust me, they do.)

Frequented Locations

  • Astramir Tower: Quarters are apparently guarded like a fortress. Intruders likely turn into newts, or worse.
  • Sunken Court: Lots of government wheeling and dealing. (Trix: Where the shadows gather and plans are whispered)
  • East Gardens: Allegedly has a magically concealed garden here. (JS: A meeting place for the elite?) (H: Gateway to another dimension??)

Behavioral Notes

  • Almost exclusively uses teleportation to get around, appearing wherever she needs to using her little magic disc. (JS: Ever seen in public? Rarely...)
  • Majorly paranoid; likely spies on other MAU members just as much as us. Trusts no one.
  • An iron grip control freak. Believes nobody can manage the city but her. (JS: Exaggeration or scary truth?)

Known Associates

  • Miriam Fusterman: Stumbleduck's right hand lady. Possibly the real brains behind the operation? Supposedly had previous connections to the Anhklpork underworld and uses those to help out Old Stumbleduck, who turns a blind eye to her former associates' activities. (P: Fusterman is a known gambler, especially likes to bet on the Duels). 
  • Quibble Pimm: High Pork bigwig, Minister of Finance. Stumbleduck and he spend a LOT of time together. Probably one of her keys to influincing the government. Big artifact collector.

Questionable Activities

  • Is she diverting city funds for dark MAU projects? (P: Hell yes she is.)
  • Some say her life force is tied to Anhklpork’s ley lines. Disconnect them, weaken her?
  • Her leg, an arcane artifact? A source of her power or just a very effective ruse?
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Senior Mage, MAU Council Member
Really, really, REALLY old.
Current Residence
Astramir Tower
Brown. Always judging.
Grey, meticulously kept in two braids.
3'1" but feels bigger.

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