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This article is Meta, and contains information on rules and mechanics for play.
  All those born within the Empire are assigned a Caste at birth. Castes are immutable and change only under extremely specific circumstances:  
  • A Middle-Caste individual may be promoted to Lotus or Orchid Caste if they show exceptional magical, academic, or martial talent. Similarly, very rarely, a Steel Caste individual may be promoted to Amber Caste.
  • Marrying outside of your Caste is illegal under most circumstances, but couples are allowed to request permission from local authorities, in which case sometimes, but not always, one of the individuals will change Caste. Couples in which both members are Middle-Caste but not of the same Sub-Caste usually do not require a Caste change, but almost every other combination will.
  • Certain arcane genetic procedures will cause a Caste change. For example, a talented Steel Caste soldier may be made into a Genasi, in which case they will be considered Amber Caste. Similarly, an Eladrin trained and modified to become a Shadar-Kai will always then be considered Amber Caste, regardless of their previous Caste.

High Castes


Chrysanthemum Caste (Ruling/Court Caste)

  A step above the other high castes, the Chrysanthemum Caste consists of fewer than 1,000 individuals, all High Aasimar. They are Her Chosen Elite who populate the Celestial City: nobles, court councellors, and others who live to please the Empress and her family. The only Chrysanthemum Aasimar who do not live or work in Court are those who have Shamed themselves and are forced to live in exile.   Permitted Races: Only high aasimar (protector aasimar) may be of the Chrysanthemum Caste.   Skill Proficiencies: Choose one of: History, Insight, Persuasion; and one of: Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion.   Languages and Tool Proficiencies: You can read and write Classical Common. You gain proficiency in calligrapher's supplies, one musical instrument of your choice, and one gaming set of your choice. (Chess, Go, or Dice.)  

Lotus Caste (Scholars, Mages, Priests)

  Beloved of the Star Aspect, those of the Lotus Caste command respect as the greatest minds of the nation. Usually trained since youth, the majority of the Lotus Caste are special aasimar and eladrin bloodlines, although a number of talented humans families have also joined the ranks. The most dedicated of Lotus Caste scholars undergo the Arcane modification to become Kalashtar, honing their minds to the pursuit of knowledge. Lotus Caste members may work as researchers at court, teachers in universities, clerics, or archmages.   Permitted Races: All aasimar, eladrin, haflings, humans, and kalashtar.   Skill Proficiencies: Choose two of: Arcana, History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion. You may take any of these proficiencies twice, excluding Perception, to gain expertise, forgoing a second proficiency.   Languages and Tool Proficiencies: You can speak, read and write Classical Common, as well as two other languages of your choice. You gain proficiency in calligrapher's supplies. Alternatively, you can speak, read and write Classical Common and one other language of your choice. You have proficiency in calligrapher's supplies, and you may choose proficiency in either one set of Artisan's tools, herbalism kits, poisoner's kits, or an instrument of your choice.  

Orchid Caste (Aristocracy)

  The Orchid Caste consists of nobility that work outside of the Celestial court. They are usually hereditary title-owners; local governors, mayors, or high-ranking military officials. They are the largest of the High Castes.   Permitted Races: All aasimar, eladrin, halflings, humans.   Skill Proficiencies: Choose one of: Athletics, History, Insight, Persuasion, and one of: Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation.   Languages and Tool Proficiencies: You can speak and read one additional language of your choice. You may choose two of the following proficiencies: an additional language (you may choose this twice), automobiles, a gaming set, calligrapher's supplies, cartographer's tools, navigator's tools, or an instrument of your choice.  

Middle Castes


Jade Caste (Landowners)

  The Jade Caste are landowners who have inherited wealth, but not aristocratic titles. They tend to be well-educated, and some end up promoted to Lotus Caste. In recent years members of the Jade Caste have often end up wealthier and more powerful than those of the Orchid Caste, as they have been responsible for establishing factories and industry.   Permitted Races: Common and low aasimar, eladrin, halflings, humans.   Skill Proficiencies: Choose two of: Arcana, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Persuasion, Religion.   Languages and Tool Proficiencies: You may speak and read one additional language of your choice. You may choose two of the following proficiencies: an additional language (you may choose this twice), automobiles, land vehicles, a gaming set, alchemist's supplies, calligrapher's supplies, forgery kit, painter's supplies, or an instrument of your choice.  

Amber Caste (Military Officers, Minor Government Officials, Shadar-Kai)

  The smallest of the Middle Castes, the Amber Caste consists of professional Military families, and other well-bred families who have served the Upper Caste directly for several generations. These usually are minor government officials or career soldiers who come from families with some measure of wealth and prestige, but who do not own land. When someone undergoes the Arcane Modification to become a Shadar-Kai (royal assassin) or Genasi (elite soldiers), they are automatically considered one of the Amber Caste. The most fortunate of the Amber Caste serve as servants to the Chrysanthemum Caste in the Celestial City.   Permitted Races: Common and low aasimar, eladrin, shadar-kai, sea-elves, genasi, goliaths, halflings, humans.   Skill Proficiencies: Choose two of: Athletics, Acrobatics, History, Intimidation, Perception, Survival, Stealth.   Languages and Tool Proficiencies: You may choose three of the following proficiencies: an additional language (you may choose this twice), automobiles, air vehicles, land vehicles, calligrapher's supplies, cartographer's tools, a gaming set, a musical instrument, thieves' tools, poisoner's kit.  

Ivory Caste (Artisans, Merchants, and Professionals)

  The Ivory Caste is by far the largest of the Middle Castes, consisting of the middle-classes who work independently in proffessional capacities, as artisans, physicians, merchants, or other specialists. In practice those in the Ivory Caste can range from being fabulously wealthy to desperately poor.   Permitted Races: Low aasimar, eladrin, sea-elves, goliaths, halflings, humans, kobolds.   Skill Proficiencies: Choose one of: Animal Handling, Medicine, Nature, Performance, and one of: Arcana, Insight, Perception, Persuasion.   Languages and Tool Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in any three tools, kits, vehicles, gaming sets, or musical instruments of your choice. You may only gain proficiency in a maximum of one type of kit. You may forgo one of these proficiencies to learn an additional language.  

Low Castes


Steel Caste (Peasants, workers, and soldiers)

  This enormous Caste accounts for more than three-quarters of the entire population. Farmers, conscripted soldiers, builders, labourers, and all other peasantry form its ranks. They are the blood and sweat of the nation.   Permitted Races: Satyrs, sea-elves, firbolgs, goliaths, grungs, halflings, humans, kobolds, tortles.   Skill Proficiencies: Choose one of: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Investigation, Nature, Sleight of Hand, Survival, and one of: Athletics, Acrobatics, Insight, Perception, Stealth.   Languages and Tool Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in land vehicles and any two of the following: water vehicles, one set of artisan's tools, one type of gaming set, one type of kit, thieves' tools.  

Stone Caste (Slaves and ex-Slaves)

  The bestial races created to serve the Empire form the Stone Caste, as well as those captured in war, and those ex-slaves lucky enough to win their freedom. Different races have been designed to perform different roles, and they range from maids to miners, dancers to gladiators.   Permitted Races: Bugbears, grungs, hobgoblins, kenku, lizardfolk, tabaxi, warforged.   Skill Proficiencies: Choose two of: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Performance, Sleight of Hand, Survival.   Languages and Tool Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in any three of the following: Land vehicles, automobiles, water vehicles, one instrument of your choice, weaver's tools, cook's utensils, herbalism kits, disguise kits.  

Casteless (Immigrants and Refugees)

  The Casteless are those who are considered to be without Caste. The vast majority of these are triton immigrants, who live in semi-autonomous coastal communities and largely govern themselves. Other Casteless include Shroudland refugees, Lizardfolk defectors who have escaped to the Empire, and visitors from the West. Being Casteless does not necessarily make someone of lesser class, but those who are Casteless are typically seen as foreigners, even if they have lived in the Empire all their lives.   Permitted Races: Duergar, Drow, Deep Gnomes, Metamorphs, Triton, other races not native to the Eastern Continent.   Skill Proficiencies: Choose one of: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Stealth, Perception, Persuasion, and one of: Animal Handling, History, Intimidation, Performance, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Religion, Sleight of Hand, Survival.   Languages and Tool Proficiencies: You gain proficiency any three of the following: land vehicles, water vehicles, automobiles, air vehicles, an additional language (may choose up to twice), one instrument of your choice, one kit of your choice, or one set of artisan's tools.

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